Hi, I've succesfully (using jeff's method with a dockstar) created a nice debian squeezebox server, which my nephew has now comandeered ! I've just bought a cheap secondhand kirkwood iomega iconnect, which i am hoping to replicate as my own debian squeezebox server (this time with a bit more RAM, though less grunt as its only 1ghz) as they appear to be clearing old stock (i gby hyena - uBoot
does jeffs vanilla script now get over the old script when run on pogoplugs taking the RAM down to 128MB ? or do you have to find a specially tweaked one someone has done to get around this rgds ianby hyena - Debian
corsair voyager 4gb and easy disk 4gb work fineby hyena - Debian
Restamp, hi, i've had this problem as well .. it all worked fine (booting from usb stick and auto mounting external usb hd with just media files on) BUT once i activated the swap file then from cold and warm boot it just tried to boot to usb HD with result nothing .. i had to remove the usb hd and it immediately booted the flash stick with debian on it check out this thread wby hyena - Debian
Hi, was running debian from a usb stick with a FAT32 usb HD mounted atop the dockstar just using a fstab entry quite happily (though having apps crash with lack of memory) just by adding the following fstab entry (UUID being my specific drive) : UUID=170B-2A73 /mnt/usb/mstore vfat rw,user,auto 0 0 and it worked fine till someone pointed out that (by typing free) that the swap file wasntby hyena - Debian
restamp, thanks .. thats gr8 :-)by hyena - uBoot
Hi, my flash drive died, rather than taking the riisk of running the script again (which presumably flashes uboot again) .. is it possible to just download a suitable debian image and put this on an appropriately partitioned flash drive or can i edit jeffs script to skip putting uboot on and just dload/install debian to new flash drive thx ianby hyena - uBoot
varkey i second that .... same problem for meby hyena - Rescue System
thanks for this, what i am really after is a resiliant debian core boot in nand (i dont care about pogoplug) and installing mplayer/squeezeboxserver/audio package along with my media on an external 2.5 HD but as i have young kids around it needs to be "hard reset proof" ... so i am after debian to boot (and do a usb hd check fix automatically and usb probs) from nand and then bootby hyena - Debian
Hendrik, hi, (with the objective of a readonly nand booting debian and the large media applications i need read/write on the usb drive) without knowing much about linux i was thinking would it be possible to 1. chroot to a usb directory and apt install the large apps (i suspect youre gonna tell me apt wouldnt work because theres nothing there on the chrooted usb drive os or dependanby hyena - Debian
I'm in the same position as you Jeffery, except i want to put the core in nand for reboot integrity and shove the mediaserver/mysql on the usbHD along with the media. this approach i guess could incorporate a simple disk check/fix in the bootup script as well ... with young kids around i experience very regular boot ups ! and theres no way it will all fit in nand (never mind about all the rby hyena - Debian
hi, i have the same problem, though with me its the kids pulling plugs out and me not wanting to leave things that gets as hot as the dockstar on 24/7 and the dockstar not having a power off button (and logging on to power down is a huge pain) what i think may be a solution (as im a complete linux newbie) is: 1. load core debian to NAND (Read only) 2. include 10 second delay to allow usby hyena - Debian
hi, as i'm a complete linux newbie, i have installed emdebian to a win7 virtual box and am getting to grips with it (without hopefully bricking the dockstar when i eventually deflower it) What i have in mind (bearing in mind that space is limited on nand) is installing the large package (squeezebox server) to the usb hard drive (along with my media and if i have to ffmpeg as well).by hyena - Debian
hi, I'm a complete linux newbie and have decided on a nand debian install for my dockstar (after looking at plugapps and openwrt first). Im only really interested in running it as a simple samba fileserver and hopefully as a squeezebox(slim)server all from nand with i hope my mp3/wma collection on a 2.5" HD in the top miniusb connector. So i need to make sure as i understand itby hyena - Debian