me too for bluetooth pleaseby Gravelrash - Debian
assuming the following, a. The preloading of the module makes no difference to the behaviour b. The networking is set as expected and the configs are applied on the fly by the application c. tun.ko is functional and works, as evidenced by Openvpn installations. We are left with the folowing options which are not kernel related. 1. Hardware incompatability - i.e these devices areby Gravelrash - Debian
@bodhi - theres a typo in you instructions echo tun >> /etc/initramfs-toolsmodules should read echo tun >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules @all I hope the OP tries the above and runs the installation, which then runs without error. and feeds back the findings on a side note : this post did go "all torvalds" at one point ;) .by Gravelrash - Debian
i should have mentioned all my devices run ext3 as a Gravelrash - Debian
the following link may help you. and if you set your samba share as the upper level directory to where you mount the drive then that should sort you outby Gravelrash - Displays
i have that option set as a default on my installations and it works without issue... do a fsck on another system to fix the drive .by Gravelrash - Debian
i have a feeling - could be wrong, that if the O.P. loads the tun.ko module before running the initialisation script for his setup. that this would Gravelrash - Debian
@tufkal the output you gave from the commands i listed above, looks like i would expect from a standard output.... and i think one of your comments earlier may have hit the nail on the head. "As long as the kernel has the tun.ko driver enabled or as a module" quote : As long as the kernel has the tun.ko driver enabled or as a module, the binary takes care of the rest. The binarby Gravelrash - Debian
put the mac address in the uenv.txt on the flash Gravelrash - Rescue System
postup your /interfaces file and the output of ip a route -n route obfuscate the mac addresses (consistently) as you see fit and we will have a looksieby Gravelrash - Debian
Hi The size of the usb (4Gb) is fine for what you are doing. If you are looking to implement something with disk intensive activity then i personally would go the HDD route. so in a nutshell : both options are viable and Gravelrash - Debian
not sure i should be replying after having been told i dont know what im on about when i talk about VM's "I don't feel like I need to explain why the comment about a "VM will do that for you" is incorrect" so in my ignorance of all things virtual and physical i hesitate to offer you in your deep knowledge and wisdom of all things the following useful snippet wby Gravelrash - Debian
The kernel i not likely to be in issue here - what i dont see from the install above is any reference to iptables, which isnt a dependecy of the above rather its an additional package. + i see from the above link that ip masquerading hs to be turned on - a VM will do all this for you extract from remote# sysctl -by Gravelrash - Debian
another thought comes to me - if the n2n package sets up a virtual interface, you may need to look that the option to allow the linux device to act as a router is enabled - i presume that it is on the RPI distributions as the last time is set one up as a wifi router, i didnt have to enable this myself e.g. edit the /etc/sysctl.conf to add the following net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 net.ipv4.cby Gravelrash - Debian
i dont use a RPi, however as a starter for 10 i would issue the following cli command and cross reference the output from each device. dpkg -l I presume that n2n has a list of depencies displayed somewhere on its website - both mandatory and recomended Just my thoughts of approach if i was looking to troubleshootby Gravelrash - Debian
Hey Joe This is totally off topic and far from Linux on Dockstar however........ this may help you i recomend reflashing them and starting Gravelrash - Off-Topic
? is this a typo ? Baud = 125200by Gravelrash - Rescue System
EDIT : Posted this after @bodhi left you a response. reply removedby Gravelrash - Rescue System
You have definitely borked your settings" What i recomend is the following course of action. Get a serial to usb adaptor and connect it to the plug, i think Qui has some images on his blog to aid in this. Then you should interrupt the boot and copy the screen output, with the uboot env settings (if you can) and post all that into a new post in the uboot section. From there people wiby Gravelrash - Rescue System
add a hacked dpf to that with a clock face graphic output and there we have another use for an old pogoplug an alarm clock :) nice to see a fun use for a plug!by Gravelrash - Debian
To run a GUI ideally you need a graphics adaptor, which the Plug doesnt have. or you could hack a 2 1/2" or 3 1/2" photoframe, so with that in mind.... "desktop type options" Webmin : really cant go far wrong with this as a starting point and no X-server to get in the way only needs a web browser. or you could look into running remote x-sessions if you were on Debiby Gravelrash - Displays
The factory installed OS wont have those files, as long as your Debian Installation rootfs (which you created on another machine) has a file called fw_env.config in the correct folder as stated above and contains the above statements, then you are ok to proceed to the next step. I recently set 3 of my v3's to debian following the Gravelrash - Debian
Pm sent. hristineedadrink Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have 3 bricked dockstars, I'll ship them to you > on my dime rather than toss them in the Gravelrash - Debian
I'll take them! EDIT : postage cost to the UK is prohibitive and i cant expect anyone to spend that amount... so i wont be accepting the kind offer. christineedadrink Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have 3 bricked dockstars, I'll ship them to you > on my dime rather than toss them in the Gravelrash - Debian
Good for you Joe! and in my point of view - others may differ and thats there perogative - THE ONLY DAFT QUESTION IS THE ONE YOU DONT ASK. Its by asking questions, we gain answers. With answers we gain knowledge, with knowledge we gain Gravelrash - Off-Topic
Question..... If the only goal is to have a pogoplug running Linux. Don't you already have that with the arch disk? If the goal is embedded Linux using Debian. Then this is The best site to learn, however, the learning curve from windows to embedded Linux can be MASSIVE. I speak as a relatively savvy Linux user on GUI based distros STICK WITH IT JOE. THE PAIN IS WORTH THE Gravelrash - Off-Topic
Tried to get on many times today to check some details and the site was offline or unavailable for ages.... any ideas what happened??by Gravelrash - Off-Topic
@joey. I use the dd command in Linux distro. E.g. dd if=/path/name of file.IMG of=/dev/sdb edit : I think the image partition table is corrupt... i have reimaged it back to a 4GB stick and expanded the partition to the disk size from 2Gb to 4Gb and the plug i offer it to shows the following below EVEN THOUGH THE DATA AND DISK ARE READABLE... iby Gravelrash - Debian