For a cheapn12v power supply look at CCTV power supply You may need to modify the polarity on the output by soldering on a new jack Gravelrash - Off-Topic
That would be great if it could beby Gravelrash - Off-Topic
Theres nothing stopping anyone creating a subwiki on wikipaedia with this info..... just a thoughtby Gravelrash - Off-Topic
@ Joey you may find the following link useful as it gives specs and possible upgrades to a whole raft of TC-PC's and not only WYSE.... My personal favourites are HP I went the other way - i came from ThinClient computing to the plugs :)by Gravelrash - Off-Topic
couple of possible suggestions for the middle button maybe leave it with a link to a blank script so the user can assign there own shell function i.e perform system update + upgrade stop / start / restart particular services send email stats from gzip log files. and thats just a few :)by Gravelrash - Debian
@bodhi Do you have a link to the image and install routine issued by davygravy. I'd like a Gravelrash - uBoot
BRUTALby Gravelrash - Off-Topic
@Robert Thankyou thats been VERY helpful - particularly in that you have created the relevant scripts already, and been willing to share your Gravelrash - Debian
when pressed on a running box - it initiates a reset of the box, much like pressing the reset button on a pc. i do it all the time when :)by Gravelrash - Off-Topic
I see no reason why it wont work on a hdd with usb Gravelrash - Debian
With a HDD you need to adapt it to run off USB. Plenty of ways of doing that.. Adaptors are commonplace and plentiful on places such as the ebane. Then you can rub it straight from the USB drive. It helps if you increase the USB delay in the uboot settings. Or you can boot from flash and mount the HDD from the Gravelrash - Off-Topic
All the above comments have merit and I encourage this discussion to continue. However... If you look at the intended audience for this image....Arch to Debian.... It expects the user/noob to have already done there homework and have a working installation of arch. This in itself assumes and displays some measure of understanding of the device purchased...... Its a migration pathby Gravelrash - Debian
@Leggo - if only there was a like button.... i would click your last post... :)) just modding the disclaimer to include what you saidby Gravelrash - Debian
N00B Alert - This only works on Pogoplug E02's AND is only for a Kirkwood device. DO NOT TRY on a Oxnas based Pogoplug like Pro, Biz, V3, etc. First the Disclaimer You load this and modify your Plug at your own risk and i assume no responsibility for your lack of knowledge or powerfailure, or any other reason, including using this image and the associated tools to flash your PogoE02by Gravelrash - Debian
@Don there is also the option of using file sysem event monitoring - i use this when i want to trigger TOR on my TOR Gravelrash - Debian
@robert if you would share how you accomplish this mouse buton event shutdown i am certain it can be modified for other devices around, and be of use to many people on here - speaking for myself, i will include it into an upcoming project, after stripping the internals from the mouse... and utilise left button for poweroff and right button for Gravelrash - Debian
as to tricked out, well i installed one into a wooden treasure chest along with a 512gig 3.15 inch hdd running from a HP laptop powersupply (all contained within. it now sits in a friends living room and looks more like a piece of furniture than traditional plug. if you were to ask the question as to the uses people put them to.... Edit : I have run one them with usb sound & bluetootby Gravelrash - Off-Topic
@Bodhi Im far far from offended at you comments. I totally agree with you when you indicate that the best practice would be for the user to go through the learning curve, i imagine that at some time or other all of us have been through it. My intention is to offer help to an obviously keen and lesser skilled linux user than I in the most altruistic of fashions, in that, this forum has offerby Gravelrash - uBoot
@Bodhi + Robert apologies - i thought from the earlier references to kernel source you had obtained it and made the Gravelrash - Debian
@ "Mr Bodhi" Thankyou!! Ii now have the unit up and running again - its not a pain i would like to go through too often tho.... as i type this i am prepping the image for the keen new user of the forum. Gravelrashby Gravelrash - uBoot
Looks like @Don was on the right track with observations.... so if you do the following from serial console or ssh whichever is your preference apt-get install console-data keyboard-configuration -f then reference the following link : You *should* be able to get a keyboard working on the *plugby Gravelrash - Debian
i use carp and vrrp on some units and it gets even "better" when you have two interfaces from different machines on the same subnet with there own discrete IP addresses that also share a common one :) :) Gotta love networking its a minefield and a playground at the same time :) :) CARP : VRRP : Gravelrash - Debian
Bodhi, THANKYOU for the link, i will attempt this tomorrow and if all goes well i will rejoice in the knowledge of another Pogo saved from the parts Gravelrash - uBoot
I will be using this to build an image for a user on here..... Good News / Bad News time Good News I can serial console to the unit and extract the settings listed below. it appears to be running the later uboot U-Boot 2014.07-tld-2 (Sep 20 2014 - 00:52:18) Pogo E02 Bad News The env settings seem to be all over the place and are attached to this post - what can be seen on the consolby Gravelrash - uBoot
If you can wait till the weekend. I will upload an image for you. With webmin and samba preinstalled. This will require however that you have the latest uboot installed with the correct default env statements. Look at it as "this is what I want to use until i learn how to do it myself". Rather than a oooh its all ready and off we go!!!! I wouldn't be doing anything for youby Gravelrash - Off-Topic,17700,17890#msg-17890 Have a look above for explanation why not and a workaroundby Gravelrash - Debian
you will also need to modify the webmin configuration file to allow external hosts or your subnet access to manage the deviceby Gravelrash - Off-Topic
its more like systemctl webmin enable systemctl webmin startby Gravelrash - Off-Topic
dunno if this holds any water - but have you tried a wireless mouse keyboard combo?by Gravelrash - Debian
hi - you ABSOULTELY DO NOT NEED ANOTHER PARTITION FOR SAMBA you can install the package using pacman and it will come precompiled and ready for you to modify to your requirement. pacman -Sy samba have a look here and here having said that while you are using archliby Gravelrash - Debian