@monk When you say it disconnects and doesn't reconnect on the WiFi. Does it reconnect when you hard reset the unit. Or reconnect hen you turn it off for a few moments then power on again. The reason I ask this is I have seen some WiFi adaptors appear to fail when they get warm.by Gravelrash - Debian
Have you looked at the cubieboard or the cubietruck? I had the A20 version of the cubieboard.cracking bit of kit with onboard data.HDMI sound and more gpio....by Gravelrash - Debian
Hi grayman Thanks for the morale lift:-) . not disheartened at all. I have built version 0.1 of the torplug image, from which the for activation is triggered by pressing the reset button at the back. It is currently being tested by a work colleague. I'm gonna keep this up.its a great learning curve for me..by Gravelrash - Debian
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-29879851 as an exercise in "can it be done" Is anyone interested in testing or collaborating on a Plug image I'm toying with the idea of building, that will turn the plug into a tor proxy and gateway? intention is to use it as wifi to ethernet and share the resultant rootfs with anyone who wants it. EDIT: added the above link and clariby Gravelrash - Debian
thats a nice share there D.C. OFFTOPIC: I do like the way you do your writeups! - i have setup a public dropbox account, just getting a few more firmware(s) installed for the wifi dongles and it will be on my sig for all to play with. the poster from the other thread has used it and it appears to be a good starting point for him.by Gravelrash - Debian
Hi has anyone tried to setup the pogoplugs as cluster servers? any thoughts comments, experiences, guides, gotchas REALLY appreciated. i have 2 @ pogopro 2 @ pogo V2 2 @ pogov4 would be an interesting use of the devices.......by Gravelrash - Debian
@jan1973 i have a couple of pro's coming next month from the good old usa. if you can wait till then i will dump the nand (assuming they are standard nands and upload them to a dropbox public share. stick a note in your calendar and pm me in a month if no one else comes forward with the required filesby Gravelrash - Off-Topic
You cant - i.e. its inbuilt and provided by M$ M$ support and contribute to the samba project following a ruling from the E.U. and this is why i think you will see better file transfer speeds over SAMBA than over NFS. I dont believe that it is in there best interests to "optimise" for a competiting file system, i.e. NFS, HOWEVER, it is in there interest to offer "compatability&qby Gravelrash - Debian
I cant think of any tweaks to improve preformance, however i use the following to mount my plug share from a linux unit and it seems to be ok. # Ubuntu 14.04 client /etc/fstab ip_address_of_my_plug:/mnt/shared /mnt/nfs nfs auto 0 0 is your windoze client the problem as its emulating a none standard M$ filesystem?by Gravelrash - Debian
t3ch42 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well, webmin is helpful and would allow most of > the configuration I would need to do, but I didn't > see any way to automate the WiFi side. I haven't > found a WiFi module for webmin yet. > I found a thread that was a few years old by > pazos that seemed pretty relevant. > > The pby Gravelrash - Debian
Jeff - i apprecate that this is an old post, but if you still need someone to maintain a wiki, i will gladly spare a couple of hours a week to this.by Gravelrash - Off-Topic
.....something i forgot..... Whenever i user gparted, i set the boot flag on the device im playing with. Whether it makes a difference i can't be certain as setting this flag is one of my "habits".by Gravelrash - Debian
Hi DC I am using a couple of 8gb uSD with adaptors. The manufacturer is kingston and the SD card adaptor came with it as part of the deal. They are all class 10 and above. The USB drives I use are either San disk or verbatim too. Usb2 drives. Not tried USB3 but I have a couple so will try when I get a chance. The file system I favour is ext3. I use gparted to clear all file system iby Gravelrash - Debian
the boot order AFAIK unless you tell uboot to specifically look for a device with a label of rootfs will boot from the first usb "stick" it finds #set rootfs file system type /tmp/fw_setenv usb_rootfstype ext3 try bodhis suggestion from yesterday to another forum member http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,12381,18003#msg-18003by Gravelrash - Debian
## ## I fried it poking around - so cant give any decent input to people on this. Sorry ## Hello Has anyone had any luck with the 7" photoframes that are available on the online auction sites? I have one coming and if i can get the firmware offloaded using your script. i will post it here and hiopefully you can work your wizardry on it. It will be a nice larger display to usby Gravelrash - Displays
Hello Has anyone had any luck with the 7" photoframes that are available on the online auction sites? I have one coming and if i can get the firmware offloaded using your script. i will post it here and hiopefully you can work your wizardry on it. It will be a nice larger display to use and look at. Cheers EDIT :Sorry post in wrong section - this should be in the general andby Gravelrash - Displays
Good Morning all - from a pleasantly crisp and bright UK can anyone advise me what the following port on the Pogo is for? Next to the serial connetion is another header, whats it for and what are the pinouts? Image attached im not a hardware genius by any stretch of the imagination and as my good lady describes, i use electronics like a mechano set (thats a compliment I think).by Gravelrash - Off-Topic
Thanks for sharing your findings. thats some interesting reading around the very low cpu usage when streaming, I see higher usage than that when i use minidlna for streaming to the younger relatives!by Gravelrash - Debian
You will definitely need to be using the serial connection for teh next steps could you pirint out and show us the routing table for the device when the eth0 interface is connected and when it is disconnected. use the following command. route -n after this it may be necessary to tweak route cache. following links are a "starter for 10" - so to speak http://vincent.bernat.imby Gravelrash - Debian
in this context, up and down relates to interface states. all things being equal - up will add the route when the interface comes up and conversely down will remove the static route when the interface is down.by Gravelrash - Debian
try the latest version available here : http://sourceforge.net/projects/minidlna/by Gravelrash - Debian
the NTFS formatted cards are the issue. NTFS read/write on linux is REALLY intensive on cpu usage. You would do better with fat32 if you want compatability with M$ systems, or switch to ext3 or ext4 for Linux and other variants. Ideally you would want to be using UFS filesystemby Gravelrash - Debian
@twinclouds glad you have some pointers to get things started - im willing to help in the future if you need more assistance.by Gravelrash - Debian
I second bodhi on this What you are experiencing is because the load order of the network is eth0 then wlan0. I managed to replicate your situation by having the eth0 and wlan0 on the same network segment. the result of which (caused by binding order of the network interfaces) was for the routing table to preference eth0 over wlan0 and build the routing table accordingly. When the eth0 wasby Gravelrash - Debian
Twinclouds: Thanks for trying the above. i will build mine around the config you posted around *your* setup. It appears, as you have described, that the gateway is being removed when the eth0 is removed, the statement eth0 auto in the interfaces should allow you to plug and unplug to your hearts content. I'm not convinced yet at this point that the kernel is in error. Are you iby Gravelrash - Debian
Hi again, before i reimage my Pogov4-Mobile can you have a look below? Im going to make the following assumptions about your setup 1 You are using WPA-PSK for your wireless network 2 You are running the commands from the plug/dockstar from a serial connection. 3 You have wpa_supplicant installed correctly and there are no issues with your wireless network card 4 when you do an "iwliby Gravelrash - Debian
Im very interested to see how this goes and what experiences you have. please keep me (and others) informed as to how you get on. Im also - if i get time over the weekend - seeing how well this works as the backend to a SiliconDust HD Homerun.by Gravelrash - Debian