Thanks Davide, I did not realize you've updated your post until now :) Was that with the basic rootfs? Update: I recognized that this was with the basic rootfs, Thanks!by bodhi - Debian
gabor, add CONFIG_PM obj-$(CONFIG_PM) += pm.o to /usr/src/linux-3.14/arch/arm/mach-kirkwood/Makefile Then do make oldconfig to select bodhi - Debian
Looker, > Can I use a USB stick from another working pogo > E02 with Archlinux up and working great or does it > need to be an stick dedicated to this box? > > Thank you That stick can be used on any Pogo E02. Settings need to change or match: 1. MAC address needs to macth this PogoE02: - look in Arch network interfaces, if it is defined (I recall it is) - that MACby bodhi - uBoot
@Looker You got it. The first = means "asign the entire string that appears after the = symbol to mtdparts variable". Any = symbol that appears in the string means a literal =, not an assignment. Regarding ippaddr and serverip, you can keep them like this (later when you get to know how to use them, they should be changed to conform to your local network): ipaddr= bodhi - uBoot
Davide & Greg, Perhaps you can try to put my basic roofts Debian-3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-1 on a stick, and boot it to see if the problem is the same?by bodhi - Debian
theliquid, TUN It is not included in the current config, and I could build a new version to include it. But I'm about to be on the road for a while, so probably about late next month is when I can test and bodhi - Debian
Yes. When you reboot they will be gone. The idea is not to save the envs until after you have successfully booted into Debian. Just to avoid mistake in typos. However, you can save them in serial console, too, if you're sure that the envs were entered correctly. Given you have serial console, it's Ok to save ithem now with u-boot command: >> saveenv Just be careful not to exeby bodhi - uBoot
Yes, anything greater than 1.0.1e-2+deb7u6 is safe from Heartbleed... otoh, I think it's good to update to the latest openssl version whenever there is a security update for bodhi - Debian
Yes, with a serial console. Info here:,13263 Download the latest U-Boot and kwboot:,12381 Then Boot with UART as instructed:,7852,7852by bodhi - uBoot
DavideDG, I was not sure. But when I looked at my .config in the build directory, the Sensors NSAxx was removed (accidentally) somehow. So I just want to make sure that people who uses the NSAxx don't run into problem. But you're right, the released kernel config was OK. I looked at what actually installed in /boot and saw the diff was exactly what you saw. But in any case, the chby bodhi - Debian
FYI I've removed kernel linux-3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-2 temporarily. If you have the NSAxxx then please use kernel linux-3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-1. If you're running kernel linux-3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-2 on other boxes then there is no need to bodhi - Debian
@Greg, Please try kernel 3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-1. Apparently, I've screwed up :) with kernel 3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-2 regarding the NSAxx sensors. Sorry about that, must have been a latenight :) I'll release kernel 3.14.x-kirkwood-tld-3 when I have time to do bodhi - Debian
FYI, There are some bug fixes and added features in u-boot-2014.04 that I think eventually some of us will run into or need. So I plan to rebase u-boot-kirkwood to 2014.04. I think I will have time to do this about 4 weeks from bodhi - uBoot
@WarheadsSE & Greg, I'll have to look at the patch/config. I don't recall my patch set changed at all in the first release 3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-1. However, I've added quite a bit more in 3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-2 for pbg4's DVB patch and other minor things. @Greg, did you try 3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-1 kernel? or just 3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-2? Update: Looks like I was wrongby bodhi - Debian
Yes, usb_rootfstype needs to macth the file system type of your rootfs. OTOH, with later kernel (don't remember when it's been possible), you can also obmit this variable altogether and initrd will figure out the file system type. So either matching the type, or don't define it in U-Boot bodhi - uBoot
gabor , Yes. That was intentional. I did not include the PM option because most people running these plugs as NAS (where only the HDD sleeps), and some running RAIDs (where PM would potentially causes big problem). I'm not sure how many modules you will need to do this. But you could try to compile them using the kernel headers. I would compile new kernel to include this feature, ifby bodhi - Debian
Maddy, You did not give enough info for us to help you. How did you install Debian? Now I formatted new USB drive to install debian there are many different ways to do this for the Pogo Pro!by bodhi - Debian
Jeffy, Please post your output of dmesg. And also which slot (left/right) did you plug in the hard drive? which u-boot version do you have on the GF Net?by bodhi - Debian
Greg, Usually netconsole will give you lot of kernel messages, but not everything. So serial console is needed to troubleshoot problem like this. And also if you're running stock U-Boot, I don't recall if netconsole is availale either. The NSAxx series is quite easy to hook up serial bodhi - Debian
theliquid, Yes, the latest Dockstar U-Boot one should work bodhi - uBoot
effendi, - Which U-Boot and kernel was you running on this Pogo before installing the new kernel? - Did you follow the instruction to set up U-Boot envs? This section: - Setup U-Boot envs: Disclaimer: The following U-Boot envs settings are recommendation only. If you don't have serial console connected, please do not attempt. Be aware that changing U-Boot env settings to the wrongby bodhi - Debian
Awesome! Note in booting multiple USB/SATA. If only one partition is labeled rootfs, then it will be found correctly. And it does not matter how many devices that contain Debian installation . But if more than one partition are labeled rootfs then you might run into the situation when the kernel uImage and uInitrd from one partition, but the actual rootfs is from another! In this situation, tby bodhi - Debian
theliquid, Yes, it should work fine. Your arcNumber is 2998 which is the Dockstar's. And that what's Jeff's script set to during installation. But as always, pls backup your kernel files or the rootfs before installing the bodhi - Debian
Excellent! Thanks for testing bodhi - Debian
Hi theliquid, Cool! so the classic DTB works fine after you've replaced it? I would like to include that fact in the 1st bodhi - Debian
theliquid, It should work for the Pogo V1. But you should back up your rootfs before trying it. The archNumber should be set to 2097 to boot it. And as always, make sure you have serial console or netconsole connected before changing arcNumber. If you want to be extra careful, then list the V1 dmesg output and/or U-Boot boot log here so we can verify. EDIT: I believe arcNumber 2998 shoby bodhi - Debian
theliquid, This kernel is for the Pro with PCI. You can try to use the ox820-pogoplug-classic.dtb file that I've attached in this post:,15912,16053#msg-16053 Save your ox820-pogoplug-pro.dtb and replace this dtb to the same place, same name. And see if you can boot with it. The Classic does not have PCI controller, hopefully the DTB will tell itby bodhi - Debian
HighTower Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > looks like it burned... > I used usb-ttl board (PL2303) and now it doesn't > work, then I plug it into pc com port appears, but > no data can be send/receive > Try another cable TTL232R-3V3, it works itself, > but nothing is received then connect to stora... If you don't take precautioby bodhi - Debian
Arnaud, You kernel is too old. I'd suggest: 1. Run complete fsck. Let the system fix any filesystem errors that you might have. 2. Backup your USB rootfs. 3. If you can boot into Debian, then download and install new kernel from this thread (the latest is linux-3.14.0-kirkwood-tld-2-bodhi.tar.bz2 dated 21 April 2014):,12096 4. If you can not bby bodhi - Debian
@ebbes, I'd like to bring in your patch for Pogo V4 into the u-boot-kirwood repo. So if you prefer, I could take pull request. Or I could just check in your patch and commit (I've tested the Pogo V4 u-boot with your patch locally).by bodhi - uBoot