If you don't have another plug where you already running Debian, get Davy's rootfs for Linux 3.3.2 kernel for Dockstar, GoFlex and many othersby bodhi - uBoot
Notice: Information in this thread is OK to use! But for the latest U-Boot & Debian installation, please use the new U-boot and Debian rootfs/kernel threads. Here I want to describe how I modified uBoot envs in the Pogoplug V4 to boot Debian. This is done for booting with SATA or USB drive. To boot with SD card or USB, see Davygravy's instruction at http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?by bodhi - uBoot
This was messed up: bootcmd=usb=start You can interrupt netconsole and use setenv to reset it to correct value. Should be something like: bootcmd=usb start; run force_rescue_bootcmd; run ubifs_bootcmd; run usb_bootcmd; usb stop; run rescue_bootcmd; run pogo_bootcmd; reset Also, arcNumber 2097 is OK to get it to boot. Later if you have Pogo E02 support kernel then change it to the E02 nby bodhi - uBoot
Since we are a little off topic in this thread, I will create a new thread for it.by bodhi - uBoot
restamp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bodhi Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > - Make sure the USB stick is formatted Ext2. If > > you ran the installation script at the ALARM > stie, > > the Arch stick is Ext3. So you need to convert > it > > to Ext2 (remove journal) in orderby bodhi - Rescue System
pazos Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It's a Ralink 3090 (with bluetooth). --> > http://kroonen.eu/wiki/Ralink%20RT3090%20PCIe > > Its mainlined since 2.6.39 but DO NOT expect a > reliable driver as r8187, zd1211 or ath9k > > I've changed this card with an ath9k ( in ebay for > $4 with international shipping from Hoby bodhi - uBoot
Kurlon Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Arch GoFlex instructions don't say to skip the > uboot check anywhere that I've seen. Could you > post a link to where you saw that bit? > > Davy, if you're respinning the uboot images, would > you be up for doing some with Device Tree support > enabled for testing? Lookingby bodhi - uBoot
I can ping my Dockstar's hostname using Win 7 VM command prompt just fine. Looking at your avahi startup log, it seems everything is good. I guess if you can ping it from a smartphone or a Mac then it's not the router.by bodhi - Rescue System
Have you tried pinging the hostname in Win 7 Command Prompt? ping DockstarNFS.localby bodhi - Rescue System
Sorry I can't check it for you (I don't have access to mine, atm). And, the avahi-daemon should be running as avahi user, not root. You could try to find it #which avahi-daemon if it is found in the path, then restart it with avahi-daemon restart If you have a Mac, it should show up automatically in Finder. If the Mac can't find it, then definitely something is missing inby bodhi - Rescue System
Guys, I'm looking for information about Debian wireless driver on iConnect . What wifi driver module do you have on your Debian system? is it available from the Wheezy kernel tree? I'm running my own Wheezy build for all my plugs and it works fine booting Debian on iConnect with the OpenWRT uBoot. I assume I would need a particular driver for this Wifi module? TIAby bodhi - uBoot
Perhaps Davy did not set it up to start automatically. You can try starting it: /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start If it already started, then restart: /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon restart It'll take some time to propagate through the network.by bodhi - Rescue System
Optim, You should see your MacPlug name on the network. It's advertising the hostname with Avahi. Nothing on Win 7 network places?by bodhi - Rescue System
Cassie, There are a few things: - The correct syntax to set rootfs label is "setenv usb_root LABEL=rootfs". BTW, this is not applicable to Arch, it only works on Debian (i.e. system with initrd). - Make sure the USB stick is formatted Ext2. If you ran the installation script at the ALARM stie, the Arch stick is Ext3. So you need to convert it to Ext2 (remove journal) in order tby bodhi - Rescue System
Set your terminal to: baud rate 115200 no flow control no parity 8 data bit 1 stop bitby bodhi - Off-Topic
ubermacin, I've used many different Sandisk sticks for booting (Ducati, Cruzer, Cruzer Titanium, Fit, Edge, ...) they all are very reliable for cold and warm boot. Ducati is most expensive and fastest. But it does not really bother me to use the slowest Sandisk. It varies from 40 seconds to 90 seconds, from the slowest to the fastest Sandisk stick, booting my Debian system. Nowadays I usby bodhi - Debian
Eddie, "dpkg -i" will only generate new vmlinuz and initrd.img in your /boot directory. Go to /boot directory and find these 2 new files generated by dpkg. They should look like these: vmlinuz-x.x.x-x-kirkwood initrd.img-x.x.x-x-kirkwood where x.x.x.x is the version number Then run these 2 commands mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x00008000 -e 0x000by bodhi - Debian
There was a long thread about various kind of working and non-working USB sticks: http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,1915,page=1 Sandisk is among the most reliable USB sticks. Also, sometime adding a "usb stop; usb start" once or a few times before scanning would enable an unreliable USB stick to work: fw_setenv usb_init 'usb stop; usb start; run usb_scan'by bodhi - Debian
You can find GoFlex Net Uboot image in davygravy's post (or in his Dropbox link in his signature): http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,6965by bodhi - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Easiest to use Davy's rootfs: > http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,8722,11448#msg- > 11448 Rootfs, not uBoot :) You can use Uart booting to recover: http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,7852by bodhi - Debian
This is a pretty good one I use: http://www.ebay.com/itm/USB-2-0-to-TTL-UART-6PIN-Module-Serial-Converter-CP2102-STC-PRGMR-Free-cable-/170895253016?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27ca269e18by bodhi - uBoot
Easiest to use Davy's rootfs: http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,8722,11448#msg-11448by bodhi - Debian
My guess is because uBoot can't read the envs when it encounter the bad block, it loaded a default setting (which is its standard behavior)... Assuming it did, it would use that default envs to boot the kernel but could not find the kernel, so it went back to stock kernel in NAND. Once you are in the default OS, the fw_printenv tool would then use the info in fw_env.config to manipulate theby bodhi - uBoot
chackoc, Darn :) It's worth a try. Good to know that one way or the other. I think the reason it did not work is probably when uBoot try to load the envs from 0xc0000 it encountered the bad block so gave up, and uses the default envs. I hoped it would skip it, but apparently it did not. If I understand correctly, the location 0xc0000 and the size of envs were hardcoded in uBoot header filby bodhi - uBoot
Daveee, You can use Davy's NSA320 rootfs here : http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,7806. It boots just about any Kirkwwod boxes, including the GF Net.by bodhi - Debian
chackoc, Look like you've done all you can to set up uBoot envs. Now the question remained is whether uBoot will skip that bad block and read the envs in the next block. I don't really know. In my successful attempt to get uBoot to load its image around the bad block, it did. So I think you have a pretty good probability that this will work. Please let us know :)by bodhi - uBoot
chackoc, It does look like it will work, in theory. All numbers seem right as I did a sanity check. Also I think this is important, mtd0 partition size is 1M. When you flash uBoot envs (which is 1 block) to the address 0xe0000, it will end at 0x00100000 (which is 1M). So it will fit. If the installation script continues w/o problem, don't reboot yet. Do these: 1. Verify your uBootby bodhi - uBoot
Cassie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bodhi Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Your GF Home does have pins out, right? > Yes, it looks like this: > > http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/3348/seagategof > lexhomebasein.jpg > > thanx The wire testing hooks should work fine.by bodhi - Off-Topic
Your GF Home does have pins out, right?by bodhi - Off-Topic
I could not tell why either! did not see any error other than the mounting of sda1 failed at one point (however it seems to mount OK later). It is a little bit hard to read the log from a serial console. You could try to boot with Davy's rootfs: http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,7806by bodhi - Debian