bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Yes, the 3TB drives tend to cause problem booting. > Is the Ext3 formatted as whole GPT partition? If > it is then it's best to plug it in later, because > even though you don't have rootfs on it, I suspect > it still causes problem because uBoot must have > tried to scan it (current uby bodhi - uBoot
To trouble shoot netconsole problem, boot into the Rescue system, and run fw_printenv Pls post the output bodhi - uBoot
Sure, you can the boot order for any these parts, except reset is independent so it should be bodhi - uBoot
Looks like it got worse?! do you see this if booting with only the thumb drive? Device nand0 not found! Error initializing mtdparts! Yes, the 3TB drives tend to cause problem booting. Is the Ext3 formatted as whole GPT partition? If it is then it's best to plug it in later, because even though you don't have rootfs on it, I suspect it still causes problem because uBoot must haveby bodhi - uBoot
If you don't care about rescue system, a quick fix would be: boot with only the system thumb drive, and then at Linux com mandline, change this bootcmd=usb start; run force_rescue_bootcmd; run ubifs_bootcmd; run usb_bootcmd; usb stop; run rescue_bootcmd; run pogo_bootcmd; reset to bootcmd=usb start; run ubifs_bootcmd; run usb_bootcmd; usb stop; run rescue_bootcmd; run pogo_bootcmd;by bodhi - uBoot
lincomatic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > OK, great. But just for reference, what's the > proper arcNumber for Pogo E02? > I tried 2097 and also 3542 as recommended here: > > > and it /proc/cpuinfo still shows it as Marvell > SheevaPlug Reference Board. Using current uBoot,by bodhi - Debian
For the Pogo E02, it's really not much! LEDs settings are the thing that's extra from 2097. For other plugs, a lot more to gain when you use appropriate kernel. For example, Goflex Net has 2 SATA connectors, and whole bunch of LEDs that can be lighted in various ways. If you're happy with the way the LED work now, then there's no needs to change arcNumber. Much more gain toby bodhi - Debian
Cool! yes, I think /sys/class/leds/plug:red:misc was just a remnant of the old patch for machine 2097, where you would mix green and red to get orange. And blue now is actually orange in Pogo E02 :) If everything is working correctly for your Pogoplug E02, cat /proc/cpuinfo also will identfy the hardware as Pogoplug bodhi - Debian
That's normal, since the kernel is not named 3.2.28-kirkwood, the uImage and uInitrd are not generated automatically by dpkg (through flash-kernel). The naming is intentional so that it can be recognized as a patched kernel, not a vanilla kernel from mainline. And also the uImage and uInitrd will not be overwritten automatically by flash-kernel without manual action. I'd suggest savby bodhi - Debian
I've reuploaded it to bodhi - Debian
@lincomatic, I will reupload it to Dropbox instead. But it will take awhile, I have a very slow uplink :)by bodhi - Debian
lincomatic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bodhi, > > I tried > > "echo default-on > > /sys/class/leds/plug:green:health/trigger" > (I added the trigger part) > > to turn on the green LED and nothing happens on > mine. Can you point me to where to download your > kernel? > Thanks I've uploaby bodhi - Debian
What you can do is trying the command setenv in serial console to set ethaddr . See if it does retain so you can boot into the kernel with the correct env. If it does I will find the env loading tool ( somebody has posted that here, but I could not remember where).by bodhi - uBoot
Hey chackoc, congrat :) please edit your post to note that the procedure did work as intended, so will benefit others looking for solution. As for your MAC address, you'll need to set the env for ethaddr. And for LED, look in /sys/class/leds to see the trigger for green, orange... LEDsby bodhi - uBoot
See 3.2.28 kernel package in this post:,11601 The patch I used to build was partly from Vlad, and I found that I had to change some files to be able to build. So I don't have a consolidated patch bodhi - uBoot
I have uploaded a Debian kernel deb package for 3.2.28-kirkwood which I've built with a collection of patches for GoFlex Home/Net, Pogoplug E02/V4, iConnect (Dockstar, Sheevaplug and a few other Kirkwood plugs are already in the mainline 3.2.x). Dropbox: linux-3.2.28-kirkwood-bodhi.tar.bz2 MD5: 68405b35c38bf9a1522bf63b4c7d5e5c Note on extracting: I had a typo on the file name (duh!)by bodhi - Debian
shv Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yes, I have a Pogoplug E02. Which Debian kernel version are you running on the Pogo E02? can you verify whether it has the Pogo V4 patch?by bodhi - uBoot
My appology. You're right, I assumed that this rootfs' kernel has Pogoplug E02 and V4 patch. Apparently Davy did not include these patches in this kernel. I took a peek at the config file in his dropbox: Perhaps Davy has this rootfs at a different location other thaby bodhi - uBoot
arcNumber 3906 in hex is 0xF78 In Debian command line: fw_setenv machid F78 In uBoot serial/net console: setenv machid F78 If you set machid in uBoot console, don't save the env. Let it boot into Debian sucessfully, and then do "fw_setenv machid F78" at Debian command bodhi - uBoot
I am not sure what you're trying to do? are you booting with Davy's uBoot? To boot back to the PogoV4 stock OS, Arch Linux ARM's uBoot has these envs set up to boot back to stock: load_nand=nboot 0x800000 0 0x200000 load_nand2=nboot 0x800000 0 0x500000 boot=bootm 0x800000 boot_nand=run load_nand boot || run load_nand2 boot mtdparts=mtdparts=orion_nand:2M(u-boot),3M(uImagby bodhi - uBoot
See this:,8044,8152#msg-8152by bodhi - uBoot
Ah! in that case, the kernel that you're booting with has the Pogo E02 patch. The current uBoot version has some problem with the Pogo E02 (Davy has a patched version in GIT somewhere), so in order to boot correctly the machid needs to be set. Seting machid is to fix that glitch so that arcNumber can be recognized by the kernel. There were users who boot successfully into Debian as referenceby bodhi - Debian
You're welcome! Actually the machid env is only needed to boot as Pogo E02. Without it, it should still boot, but as reference board. I think what has fixed your problem was you reinstalled uBoot and said Y at the prompt to reset the bodhi - Debian
dinjo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does it works on OXNAS devices too on PogoPlug Pro > since we are stucked on 2.6 kernel on arch linux This is for PogoPlug Pro OXNAS :) the kernel is the same Arch Linux kernel .26 on NAND. But the rootfs is Debian. You can run Debian Wheezy (3.x.x) rootfs instead of Arch with the modification to /lib/modules and aby bodhi - uBoot
Have you tried Davy's NSA320 rootfs? it should boot the Pogo E02, and actually most of the Kirwood plugs. This thread:,7806 Quotedavygravy The rootfs is packaged as an ext3 image (kirkwood-debian_image.img) so you'll have to mount with the loop option, and cp -a the contents onto a preformatted sda1 bodhi - Debian
Brainy142 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I still cant get the script working (I swapped the > flash drive for a external hdd) and I still fail > at the same point with the same error message that > is reported here: >,9256,9256,quote > =1 > > > Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ... &by bodhi - Debian
@millerdev, Your uBoot is the new version, should work with kernel 3.2+. If you don't see the green light comes on then it meant it did not get to the point where the rootfs is loaded. This usually means your initramfs has some problem running, and it could be too early so you don't see netconsole output. The netconsole module approach described above would work if 1. The kernelby bodhi - Debian
@solidplanet, See this post for rootfs label change:,6624,9123#msg-9123 If you still have difficulty, please post in this iconect thread:,3333, and I will bodhi - uBoot
Daniel, Without serial console, it is hard to see what is going in on during kernel booting. Unless you set up netconsole module to start early in the process:,9522 I would bring it up with your 2.6 kernel, set up netconsole module as described above. And then upgrade to Wheezy with apt-get update apt-get upgrade See if you can see the kernel bootiby bodhi - Debian
Timmypro, Arch Linux ARM does not use uInitrd. So that's not the reason. I would suggest to get the latest Arch rootfs, and create a new USB rootfs with it (instruction at Arch site). And if it does not boot, try using Davy's Debian rootfs (,7676). It's good to know you can boot with the USB thumb drive that you are using, and then worry about Lby bodhi - uBoot