If it's bricked, did you try UART booting? see here: http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,7852by bodhi - Debian
You will have a pretty good probability that the SATA HDD will get recognized first. Other than that, no other way with this uBoot.by bodhi - uBoot
Varkey, I have not looked closely at the board, like twinclouds perhaps did :) did not see any port/opening for wifi when I open it to plug in the serial console. It would be great if somehow we can hack it!by bodhi - Debian
chessplayer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I know these two: > Hack247 > A Google+ > contribution 2nd one is WarheadsSE's page.by bodhi - uBoot
Twinclouds got me curious, so I looked at dmesg: <4>[ 8.800000] rtusb init rt2870 ---> <6>[ 8.810000] usbcore: registered new interface driver rt2870by bodhi - Debian
You could use SATA for boot drive in a multiple drive configuration. You don't even have to use Warhead's method to bypass uBoot with SATA, just put the rootfs on a SATA drive in an eSATA enclosure, and connect it with SATA to eSATA cable. The PogoPro is quite easy to open, plug in the cable, route it through the gap at the bottom front.by bodhi - uBoot
restamp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I see. Thanks syong and bodhi for the > information. The only thing the > "machid=dd6"-knowledgeable kernel buys you is the > ability to control the green LED, right? If this > is the case, I think I'll just wait until wheezy > incorporates the Pogo line. (Heck, most of the > mby bodhi - Debian
Yeah, they mis-labeled these for certain lots of production (I guess, or worse, did it on purpose because for regular customers they all function the same way), and people have discovered that some Pogo Pinks with a particular UPC are really E02 inside.by bodhi - Off-Topic
syong Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bodhi, > > Thank you for your kernel as it works perfectly on > my two e02s for a while now. > > I just wonder why symlink vmlinuz and initird.img > in the last step as I removed them on one of my > e02 and seems does not make any difference. > > Cheers, > > Yong Hi Yong,by bodhi - Debian
syong Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > restamp, > > To my understanding, machid=dd6 and the new > arcNumber only work for the kernel that supports > it. > > That kernel is bodhi's 3.2.28-kirkwood-tld. > > So, after dist-updating to wheezy, you might need > to install bodhi's kernel before setting machid > anby bodhi - Debian
The sure way to have a consistent booting PogoPro is to use the Sata port inside.by bodhi - uBoot
The grays one are E02 for sure. Sometine you get unlucky with the pink ones, they turn out to be Oxnas and without wifi.by bodhi - Off-Topic
See this post:http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,11601,11627#msg-11627by bodhi - Debian
Dinjo, I don't think we can manipulate the uBoot envs to make the PogoPro choose the correct drive! I've looked, the current uBoot version is too limited.by bodhi - uBoot
lincomatic, I've uploaded this module here: r8712u.ko. Download and copy it to your directory /lib/modules/3.x.x/ (if it was downloaded as r8712.ko.txt then remove the .txt extension). And then run modprobe r8712u If it loads OK and the wifi is activated (iwconfig), then add this modprobe command to your /etc/rc.local so that it will load during kernel booting up. -bodhiby bodhi - Debian
Let's see your output of fw_printenv!by bodhi - Debian
Twinclouds, did you try swapping Tx and Rx?by bodhi - Debian
Dinjo, I have not play with it much. But I planned to take a look at the uBoot envs. Will let you know. Do you have serial console? - bodhiby bodhi - uBoot
Ian, So you're cross-compiling the kernel on you PC? I compiled it natively. Perhaps shv can answer this question, since shv has recently cross-compiled a 3.x.x kernel. - bodhiby bodhi - Debian
Great! If you can boot with the Dockstar USB, then your arcNumber is set at 2097. To be able to control the LEDs correctly, you'll need a kernel that supports arch number 3960 (and machid F78). See here: http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,11601. Once you have the appropriate kernel installed, then you can set arcNumber and machid: fw_setenv arcNumber 3960 fw_setenv machid F78 -by bodhi - Debian
Twinclouds, I've never booted back to Pogo OS so I'm not sure. You can boot with Arch, there should be no problem. After you've installed Debian and booted it, or have verified that you can boot with Arch. You can try to remove the USB or SD drive, see if it will boot into Pogo OS (it's much easier to have something working first). If you have another Debian rootfs,by bodhi - Debian
hyena Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Bodhi, > > hi > > thx for this, > > my /boot on the iconnect flash drive consists of > : > > config-3.2.0-4-kirkwood > System.map-3.2.0-4-kirkwood > initrd.img > uImage > initrd.img-3.2.0-4-kirkwood > vmlinuzby bodhi - Debian
After you compiled the kernel, it should give you a .deb file? In any case, I think if you look somewhere in post install for initramfs (I don't remmeber where, if I can find it in the log, I'll post here), I recall there is a file where the kernel name is written in during dpkg installation. P.S. -You can see the old kernel still installed with apt-cache search linux-imageby bodhi - Debian
Ian, I think because you did not run dpkg -i your-new-kernel-name.deb. Because dpkg modifies the hooks in initramfs to use the new kernel, IIRC. So somewhere in there the hooks still point to the old kernel. So rather finding the hooks files and manually change it, you can just run cd /boot dpkg -i your-new-kernel-name.deb to install everything into the correct location. -bodhiby bodhi - Debian
Twinclouds, As long as you get uBoot flashed to mtd0 successfully with commands: # flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0 4 Erase Total 4 Units Performing Flash Erase of length 131072 at offset 0x60000 done # nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.nandpogoV4-MMC-mtdparts-noSATA.kwb Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0 Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000 Writing data to block 2 at offset 0x40000 Writinby bodhi - Debian
Hi twinclouds, Yes, commenting out "/etc/init.d/hbmgr.sh start" in '/etc/init.d/rcS" is a common mistake for those of us who have been familiar with the Dockstar procedure (we do that and it works fine). What we should do here is to just kill Pogoplug processes every time you ssh into the box before doing any installation. The Pogo Mobile original uBoot does not have neby bodhi - Debian
shv Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How to prevent that a NAND > kernel boots the rootfs from the NAND partition? > Maybe it works just to change the partition label > from rootfs to anything else. Hi shv, It's much easier to change bootcmd env to give USB a higher priority: from bootcmd=usb start; run force_rescue_bootcmd; run ubby bodhi - Debian
ingmar_k, Thanks for sharing your script! I always wanted to run Emdebian on my PogoPro :) never got the time to do it. Will definitely try this. -bodhiby bodhi - uBoot
With this vanilla Squeeze kernel, I don't think arcNumber and machid for Pogoplug E02 will work. You can interrupt uBoot using netconsole and set arcNumber back to 2097: setenv arcNumber 2097 - and if machid is set to dd6, then remove it setenv machid After you've booted into Debian, you can upgrade to Wheezy, and then later use a patched kernel for Pogoplug E02 to update itby bodhi - Debian
lincomatic, It's in the kernel already, you can try to load it at command line: modprobe rtl8192cu See if it's loaded (in dmesg).by bodhi - Debian