I recommend using the mtd0 uBoot. The new mtd0 uBoot supports booting both USB and the old Pogoplug install. It will try USB first, and if that doesn't work, it will fall back to booting the Pogoplug install. The mtd3 uBoot will 'dual boot' USB on on boot, then Pogo on the next boot unless you use a 'workaround' like described above. -- Jeffby Jeff - uBoot
I'm glad it works! I'm sorry we lost one but at least you have 2 unlocked dockstars! For other people: Don't mess with the flash_erase commands directly. You can just run the uboot install script :) -- Jeffby Jeff - Debian
You're running the old Plugbox uBoot on that (new) dockstar. You need to install one of my newer uBoots. -- Jeffby Jeff - Debian
The new bootloader will only boot into Pogoplug if there are no bootable USB drives attached. If you disconnect your drives and reboot, you should end up in Pogoplug. -- Jeffby Jeff - Debian
Hi, A few important points: 1) You are very close to bricking your device. Be extremely careful. 2) The guide you are trying to follow will re-install the Pogoplug kernel. It does not affect uBoot at all. Your problem right now isn't uBoot, it's the fact that you've messed up what used to be your Pogoplug install. You *should* be able to boot into Pogoplug with the folby Jeff - Debian
Quotescanning bus for storage devices... Device NOT ready Your USB device isn't getting reset, or isn't properly responding to the reset commands. I've seen this before when I reset uBoot at some very strange points, but I've never seen it when just restarting the machine. I'd try a different USB device, or look for some linux utility that you could run at shutdown toby Jeff - uBoot
To clarify, the entire NAND is only 256MB. By default, uBoot use 1MB on mt0 and Pogoplug uses 36MB on mtd1 and mtd2, leaving you with 219MB for an embedded installation. If you really don't want to keep Pogoplug as a backup for recovery purposes, you can free up an additional 36MB, giving you a total of 255MB to for your embedded install. The first 1MB must be reserved for uBoot. If yoby Jeff - Debian
From the Debian command line, run fw_setenv set_bootargs_usb 'setenv bootargs console=$console root=$usb_root rootdelay=$usb_rootdelay rootfstype=$usb_rootfstype init=/sbin/init-ro $mtdparts' and then reboot. You should now have /dev/mtd3 -- Jeff Edit: fixed a typo, thanks Jörnby Jeff - Debian
Yes, boot into Debian and follow the rest of the steps from there. -- Jeffby Jeff - Debian
Your NAND isn't 128k, your sector size is 128k. If you've installed a new uBoot on mtd3, there is no 'original' to go back to -- it's still there on mtd0. Just change the bootcmd with blparam and you'll be back to the old Pogoplug install with no USB booting. From the Pogoplug install: /usr/local/cloudengines/bin/blparam 'bootcmd=run bootcmd_originalby Jeff - Debian
/usr/sbin/flash_eraseall should have been installed by the 'mtd-utils' package. If it's missing, which is explicitly included in the install script. If it's not there then something went wrong with the installer (but not that wrong, since it still boots Debian). You can try manually installing the package with apt-get install mtd-utils -- Jeffby Jeff - Debian
That command is old and doesn't work: ext2ls was wrong, it should have been ext2load. You can try the updated command that uses ext2load instead of ext2ls. You only have to run it once, not after every boot. -- Jeffby Jeff - uBoot
I'd start with fw_setenv usb_rootfstype ext4 fw_printenv will show you the configured boot variables. -- Jeffby Jeff - Debian
QuoteBut when I add, in addition to the usb-stick (with the squeeze system), an external usb harddisk - it takes a long time to boot and will finally end up in Pogoplug. Will this be fixed? There's probably something funky with your USB harddisk. I've found that there are a number of USB devices with either old or cheap controllers that can cause boot problems. You should connectby Jeff - uBoot
The new uBoot is new as of today (8/22) and needs to be installed to mtd0. From your problem, I don't think you have installed the new uBoot on mtd0.by Jeff - Debian
You can mount the pogoplug partition from debian as follows: mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock2 /mnt However, you should probably just install the new mtd0 uBoot which fixes the 'dual boot' problem that you're having. The new uBoot will always try to boot from USB first and, if that fails, it will boot the old Pogoplug install. -- Jeffby Jeff - Debian
Yes, with the new script, it should boot from the first bootable device even if the devices are in a different order. -- Jeffby Jeff - uBoot
I'm glad it's working for you. I've updated the command to use ext2load instead of ext2ls, which should solve the problem you had. -- Jeffby Jeff - uBoot
Debootstrap saves a log in /tmp/debian/debootstrap. I think it's called debootstrap.log. If you can post that file, I'll take a look. -- Jeffby Jeff - Debian
Syro, Yes, that's the section. I'm going to wait a few days to make sure that this works well for everyone on here and then I'll probably update the page and the installers to use the new mtd0 uBoot and mark the mtd3 stuff as the "old way." I think the new uBoot will fix 90% of the problems that are being reported in the forums. -- Jeffby Jeff - uBoot
The 'dual boot' issue can now be fixed by installing my newer uBoot on mtd0.by Jeff - Debian
The 'dual boot' issue can now be fixed by installing my newer uBoot on mtd0.by Jeff - Debian
I've built a new uBoot for mtd0 that supports booting the original Pogoplug installation. This will fix all of the 'dual boot' problems that some of your are experiencing and will fix the boot problems related to a bad environment CRC. The installer saves a copy of the pogoplug uboot image to the root directory of the pogoplug environment (mtd2). When the new uBoot runs, it trby Jeff - uBoot
What was the output preceding that error?by Jeff - Debian
USB hard drives are fine. Ext4 should just be a matter of adjusting fstab and, possibly, the uBoot kernel parameters. Edit: Summary of changes for anyone else working on ext4: 1) run 'fw_setenv usb_rootfstype ext4' 2) in your Debian install, edit /etc/fstab and change ext2 to ext4by Jeff - Debian
3) You should use fw_setenv and not blparam. That was a typo. It will configure the uBoot on mtd3 to boot debian squeeze and failing that, boot pogoplug. Yes, if you re-install Debian, it will configure the boot parameters correctly.by Jeff - Debian
A few clarifications and ideas for everyone: 1) Unless you've changed things, the default setup will alternate between booting Debian and Pogoplug. If you don't like that, see here for a fix. 2) When you install Debian Squeeze using my scripts, you do NOT need to run any of the uBoot installer scripts. The updated uBoot is installed automatically to mtd3 and the boot environmentby Jeff - Debian
I've seen that error when uBoot doesn't read the uInitrd image. It can happen if you run the mtd installer again after running the debian installer. You can fix it by running the following from uBoot: setenv bootcmd_usb 'run set_bootargs_usb; run usb_init; ext2load usb $usb_device 0x800000 /boot/uImage; ext2load usb $usb_device 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd; bootm 0x800000 0x11000by Jeff - Debian
Yes, you can continue to boot from the USB drive by interrupting uBoot and typing run bootcmd_usb Alternatively, you can force it to switch to USB booting by running the following from your linux command line: fw_setenv bootcmd 'run bootcmd_usb; run bootcmd_ubi; run bootcmd_pogo; reset' Switch back to NAND booting with the following: fw_setenv bootcmd 'run bootcmd_ubi; run bootby Jeff - Debian