nas iomega ix4-200d bloqueado May 26, 2021 03:11PM |
Registered: 3 years ago Posts: 4 |
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Hi, I'm a non-expert user and I have a problem with iomega ix4-200d blocked nas. At first it was in loop but now it turns on only the blue screen without letters. I wanted to put the cloud firmware version downloaded from the official Lenovo website. I have tried to connect with usb cable ttl 2102, 2303hx and ch3406 using putty, but I can't connect to nand flash. I don't know if I have the right usb ttl cables or even if I use the right program. I am a windows user. Please, could you tell me how to resurrect the nas iomega? I would greatly appreciate your invaluable help. Thank you.
Re: nas iomega ix4-200d bloqueado May 26, 2021 04:43PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,324 |
picocom --b 115200 --f n --p n --d 8 /dev/ttyUSB0
picocom v3.1
Compiled-in options:
TTY_Q_SZ is 0
HIGH_BAUD is enabled
USE_FLOCK is enabled
LINENOISE is enabled
HISTFILE is: .picocom_history
USE_CUSTOM_BAUD is enabled
Usage is: picocom [options] <tty port device>
Options are:
--<b>aud <baudrate>
--<f>low x (=soft,xon/xoff) | h (=hard) | n (=none)
--parit<y> o (=odd) | e (=even) | n (=none)
--<d>atabits 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
--sto<p>bits 1 | 2
--<e>scape <char>
--<s>end-cmd <command>
--recei<v>e-cmd <command>
--imap <map> (input mappings)
--omap <map> (output mappings)
--emap <map> (local-echo mappings)
--lo<g>file <filename>
--inits<t>ring <string>
--e<x>it-after <msec>
<map> is a comma-separated list of one or more of:
crlf : map CR --> LF
crcrlf : map CR --> CR + LF
igncr : ignore CR
lfcr : map LF --> CR
lfcrlf : map LF --> CR + LF
ignlf : ignore LF
bsdel : map BS --> DEL
delbs : map DEL --> BS
spchex : map special chars (excl. CR, LF & TAB) --> hex
tabhex : map TAB --> hex
crhex : map CR --> hex
lfhex : map LF --> hex
8bithex : map 8-bit chars --> hex
nrmhex : map normal ascii chars --> hex
<?> indicates the equivalent short option.
Short options are prefixed by "-" instead of by "--".
Re: nas iomega ix4-200d bloqueado June 04, 2021 12:44AM |
Registered: 3 years ago Posts: 4 |
Re: nas iomega ix4-200d bloqueado June 04, 2021 10:25PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,324 |
Re: nas iomega ix4-200d bloqueado June 07, 2021 02:57PM |
Registered: 3 years ago Posts: 21 |
picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1