Twinclouds, The ArchLinux installation must be done before before we can switch to the Debian roots. Because WarheadsSE kernel for OXNAS is installed in NAND, and that will boot whatever in the USB drive. Make sure that the USB Debian drive is EXT3. Prepare the drive with Varkey's rootfs for Debian. And correct the MAC address on this Debian drive with your own box address. After thaby bodhi - Debian
Twinclouds, Of course there is really no need to maintain a separate ArchLinux USB boot drive. I was only suggesting that we should maintain a copy of the ALARM USB stick for: - Just in case we need a fallback mechanism for booting back to ArchLinux. - In the scenario where we'd need to compile new modules or updating modules from ALARM distribution. It seems the best way to to do thatby bodhi - Debian
You should always keep your ArchLinux USB stick/HDD up-to-date for the PogoPlug Pro. Prepare your modules on that (whether compiling new ones, or updating from ALARM distribution), and then copy them over the Debian USB stick/HDD. Isn't that simple?by bodhi - Debian
See related discussion, something to consider:,5755,5815#msg-5815by bodhi - uBoot
@killerhippy, So far every thing else works great, but not drag-and-drop, ironically! dragging a file from one window to another to copy or move does not work for me (nothing happened, the icon pops right back). I'm using Debian Squeeze, and "apt-get install rox-filer" told me I already got the latest version. #rox-filer -v ROX-Filer 2.10 Compiled with GTK version 2.18by bodhi - Debian
Killerhippy, Thanks for recommended rox-filer! it is really nice. I've tried a few different file managers for fluxbox (there is such thing as too many choices with Linux :-) before your post but not entirely happy with them. rox-filer is very nice, small footprint and very fast. Exactly what I am looking for. The most important thing for me with this is: it seamlessly uses the mountby bodhi - Debian
I've been using fluxbox for Debian Dockstar off and on and very happy with the simple and fast remote desktop (thanks Petergunn). I'm removing Webmin and freed up a whole bunch of RAM and eliminate its logging activities. Adding commands to the fluxbox window menu is quite simple, too. I'm looking for a simple small footprint file manager app to add to fluxbox, that allows fileby bodhi - Debian
WarheadsSE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Kernel 3.1+ support is on the way soon, and these > module issues will be greatly reduced. Thanks Warhead! good bodhi - uBoot
Since my purpose is to be able to run Debian on the Dockstar with only a USB flash drive (smallest footprint and minimum cost possible), I've set up a 2 partition USB flash drive. Both partitions are Ext2 to avoid wearing out the drive. Note that Varkey has reported success with a single Ext3 partition on HDD (see above), this Ext2-partition-only setup is better suit flash drives. It is aby bodhi - Debian
I'll try your setup with a Sandisk USB flash drive to see if it will be as resilient. bodhi - Debian
Thanks Varkey. Do you turn on logging for things like samba and webmin? i.e. so you did not need to do any thing special about logging?by bodhi - Debian
I've read posts here and there about how to solve this power outage problem with booting from a USB flash drive, but not sure I've seen a consolidated how-to. Anybody who has done this and want to take a stab at it? It seems there are partition scheme that work well such as: 1. Partition 1: Read-Only Ext2 which contains the /boot directory 2. Partition 2: Read-Write Ext3 which contaby bodhi - Debian
Here is my setup for USB drives auto-mounting (came from this original working thread). There are 3 parts: udev rules, pmounting all USB drives in rc.local, and the pmount script. Note that I've modified kraqh3d's original udev rules to add a rule for "*Async", so that any USB drive that has a label ends with Async then it will be automounted as asynchroneous (instead of "by bodhi - Debian
See kraqh3d's udev rules to automount the USB drive: In this thread (at about the end).by bodhi - Debian
Thanks pazos! that looks really bodhi - Debian
pazos Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm currently adding > a web interface to manage the device (I'm looking > source code from monowall). @pazos, it sounds very interesting! any chance you have something to share with us? I'm using webmin, but the sw is just too much for non-tech users to navigate. I gave some of my Debian-basby bodhi - Debian
oddballhero Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sorry Bodhi, > I forgot to add. It seems that previous owners of > registered pogoplugs. I guess that must be > anybody who turned on SSH at their interface > should have gotten a 50% or 40% off discount in > their email. I got a 50% one but have to pay for > shipping. WarheadsSE on pogopby bodhi - uBoot
oddballhero Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It looks like I don't have to heat up my soldering > iron too much. They must have been listening to > Bodhi: LOL. I wish :-) > > cing-Pogoplug-Series-4-Our-Newest-Cloud-Storage-Ex > pansion-Device/;jsessionid=07BFC6D98A4B5BC9D018D8Fby bodhi - uBoot
oddballhero Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm sure they are trying to get rid of the Oxnas > stuff, since they switched back to Marvell. It surely seems they did with the Pogoplug Mobile, so it looks like they're having a fire sale right now. The Pogoplug Mobile has a cool form factor, blending in to the home theater setup nicely! but too bby bodhi - uBoot
varkey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No such errors for me as well. Anyway if anyone > needs the debian rootfs with all the above > modifications done, here it is -- > > arkey.tar.gz > > Just extract it to an ext3 formatted disk. After > extracting update your correct ethernet Mby bodhi - uBoot
I've have not seen any errors in dmesg. I've been monitoring logread once in a while and no error either!by bodhi - uBoot
varkey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Pogoplug Pink B01 - $24.99 + Free Shipping -- > > > Join the Friends with Benefits program to get Free > Shipping -- > > low&program=BASIC Still on sale today!by bodhi - Debian
Thanks for the info Varkey! It's in the latest ArchLinux ARM rootfs (after November version): The required modules and binaries location: /lib/modules/ /sbin/proled /sbin/devmem2 The LED is working properly now! flashing when it's booting, off when it's shutdown, and soliby bodhi - uBoot
varkey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @bodhi - You need to load the oxnas-led module for > the LED to work. I just added it to /etc/modules Thanks, but I could not find it! is it inside one of the tar files? Update: ah, I saw on Arch forum, should be in the latest ALARM rootfs tar file?!by bodhi - uBoot
oddballhero Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- Get this wrong and it is serial cable/tftp time. LOL. Thanks :-)by bodhi - uBoot
@varkey, Does your PogoplugPro LED work properly? While running Debian, and the ArchLinux stick mounted on sdb1, I've copied the devmem2 and the proled script to Debian /sbin. I believe these are needed for Oxnas LED. # cp /media/sdb1/sbin/proled /sbin/ # cp /media/sdb1/sbin/devmem2 /sbin/ I setup rc.local and the /etc/rc0.d/K08halt script to turn on/off the LED light. /sbin/pby bodhi - uBoot
@oddballhero, Sorry I did not follow the instruction in your reference about the modprobe gmac closely :-) But I thought step 5 would force load the gmac module the same way! Is it odd that /etc/init.d/module-init-tools did not load the gmac mentioned in this file? 5. Force load gmac module and others # cat /media/hd-sdb1/etc/modules # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at bootby bodhi - uBoot
@oddballhero, Thanks for reviewing this! yes, I did make sure to do a tune2fs for the stick, since it was ext2. Sorry forgot to include it here! # tune2fs -j /dev/sdb1 tune2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010) Creating journal inode: done This filesystem will be automatically checked every 28 mounts or 180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override. - verify that it was conby bodhi - uBoot
This procedure has been updated to add more details and incorporate the correction for installing Debian on Pogo plug Pro (OXNAS variation). See ArchLinux ARM site for information about different models in this family: Varkey and Shv have created and hosted a Debian rootfs for those who want to skip the manual step installation. Jusby bodhi - uBoot
rat-netbook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Recently tested out a Sandisk Cruzer Blade and > Cruzer Edge, both work great. Not terribly fast, > but no issues with warm or cold booting. > > The SD Plus USB Sandisk Ducati branded card still > remains my most favourite out of the bunch though. > The 4GB card currently sits on the eBays fby bodhi - Debian