2017.07- 2024.10 U-Boot Kirkwood
May 05, 2013 04:30PM
2017.07- 2024.10 U-Boot for Kirkwood Kernel - GoFlexNet, GoFlexHome, PogoE02, Dockstar, iConnect, NetgearStora, PogoV4/Mobile, Sheevaplug, NSA325, NSA320, NSA310S/320S, NSA310, HP-T5325, Dreamplug, Dell Kace M300, Synology DS411jv10, TBS MOI+, Synology DS211.

These images support the following latest U-Boot features (among others):

- both FDT and non-FDT kernel booting
- supports EFI/GPT partition > 2TB (SATA and USB) either for booting or just attached.
- boot Ext4 rootfs
- SNTP (Simple NTP to set date time during U-Boot booting)
- bootz (boot with zImage).
- Ability to customize u-boot envs in a script (uEnv.txt) during boot, without committing changes to NAND (see section C for instruction). This feature also can be used for rescue purpose where the u-boot envs were messed up, or when the NAND envs block is bad.


1. U-Boot source code at GitHub (latest branch 2017.07-kirkwood-tld-1 and tag v2017.07-kirkwood-tld-1)
1.1. Sheevaplug latest version 2017.07-tld-2 has not been updated in GitHub yet.
2. Latest Linux Kernel Kirkwood package and rootfs
3. U-Boot source code for 2022 and later at GitHub (nothing there yet)


Flashing uBoot to mtd0 could potentially brick your box! please have serial console, or JTAG set up before hand to recover from any mistake or bad flash. The instruction to flash uBoot image to mtd0 is included here. But please proceed only at your own risk. And most important of all, please read the entire post and make sure you understand the procedure before starting. The flashing instruction assumes that you have a beginner's knowledge of how U-Boot works, and how to set U-Boot environment variables to facilitate booting Linux kernel. If this is the first time you are installing U-Boot and dealing with NAND, and/or using U-Boot environment tools, please ask questions before starting.

Last Update 22 Nov 2024
First Update 07 May 2023

I've released 2022.04, 2023.04, 2024.10 u-boot for Kirkwood boards listed below. For normal installation, the 2017.07 u-boot will be good enough in most cases.

2024.10 U-Boot Kirkwood - Synology DS211. This version has some limitation in booting with SATA rootfs.

2024.10 U-Boot Kirkwood - TBS MOI+. This is the full feature version.

2023.04 U-Boot Kirkwood - Pogo V4. This version adds the capability of booting with the rootfs attached to one of the USB 3.0 ports in the back, among other capabilities.

2023.04 U-Boot Kirkwood - ZyXEL NSA325. This version adds the capability of booting with the rootfs attached to the USB 3.0 port in the front, among other capabilities.

2023.04 U-Boot Kirkwood - Synology DS411jv10. This version can boot the kernel on USB rootfs (SATA can be used as rootfs, but kernel files must be on USB).

2022.04 U-Boot Kirkwood - Dell Kace M300. This is the full feature version.

Last Updated 28 Oct 2017
Updated 06 Dec 2017 (replace Sheevaplug with newer version 2017.07-tld-2)

I've uploaded 2017.07-tld-1 U-Boot images for Pogo E02, GoFlexNet, GoFlex Home, Dockstar, Pogo V4/Mobile, iConnect, Netgear Stora, Sheevaplug, NSA320, NSA325, NSA310S/320S, NSA310, HP-T5325, and Dreamplug.

The HP Thin Client T5325 installation procedure is different from other Kirkwood u-boots, see this thread for installation instruction and download link..

The Marvell Dreamplug box installation procedure is different from other Kirkwood u-boots, see this thread for installation instruction and download link.

New/updated in 2017.07-tld-1 version:

- Rebase u-boot code to track mainline 2017.07.
- Incorporated patch to fix "EHCI timed out on TD" error with USB drives. This patch fixes some of the large HDDs, but not entirely.
- SD cards: Use the mainline version of MMC driver for Pogo V4/Mobile and Sheevaplug
- Improve internal defautl envs.
- Fixed Sheevaplug "load" command in 2017.07-tld-2 version.

-Thanks rayvt for the EHCI timed out on TD patch ! good works. Updated: There are some large HDDs that still have this problem. So, YMMV!
- Thanks Rayknight for reporting bug and testing the Sheevaplug 2017.07-tld-2 u-boot .

UART Booting: If possible, try to test this boot image with UART booting before flashing to NAND. See davygravy's UART booting using kwboot instruction here in this thread. The latest u-boot image released here should be used for UART booting, if your box is the type that supports it (these do not: Dockstar, Pogo E02, iConnect).

Download U-Boot images at Dropbox:

Below are bitly shorten links and also actual Dropbox URLs. I used shorten links to see the download count for each u-boot (helps to know the interests for each box so I can spend more time supporting those are most interesting to you). If you have trouble with the bitly links, then use the Dropbox URLs.

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.iconnect.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.netgear_ms2110.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa310.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa310s.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa320.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa325.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.pogo_e02.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.dockstar.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexhome.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexnet.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-1.pogo_v4.bodhi.tar or

uboot.2017.07-tld-2.sheevaplug.bodhi.tar or

Each archive contains the uBoot image only.

A. Flashing Instruction:

Installation is the same for each u-Boot image, the instruction below is written to include all boxes. So choose the platform name that you are installing for, and copy/paste the appropriate commands.

If you are running kernel that do not provide mtd-utils and uboot-tools (fw_setenv, fw_printenv, flash_erase, nandwrite), you can download the NAND and U-Boot tools binaries here in this thread.

1. uBoot envs config should be defined as followed in your /etc/fw_env.config

cat /etc/fw_env.config
 # MTD device name	Device offset	Env. size	Flash sector size	Number of sectors 
/dev/mtd0 0xc0000 0x20000 0x20000

- And your mtd partitions should be:

cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name 
mtd0: 00100000 00020000 "u-boot" 
mtd1: 00400000 00020000 "uImage" 
mtd2: 02000000 00020000 "rootfs" 
mtd3: 0db00000 00020000 "data"

Note: for boxes such as Pogo V4 and Zyxel NSA3xx, the mtd partition definition are kept the same as stock definition, therefore is different from the one above.

If you don't have /etc/fw_env.config file in your system then go ahead and create this file with the above content. MTD parts are not important for booting and it can be adjusted later. For users who like to keep the stock mtd definition, there is no need to adjust it to the above definition. As long as mtd0 is defined as 1MB (0x00100000) or greater then it will be OK:
mtd0: 00100000 00020000 "u-boot"

2. Make sure ethaddr is set in uBoot env. It must be set before rebooting the system. However, if you plan to flash the default envs image in step 8 (Flashing default u-boot envs image), then no need to worry about it now. It can be set after you've booted in to Linux. The MAC address will be set to a valid randomly generated local address.
fw_printenv ethaddr

3. Be sure to save your current uBoot image in mtd0, or have a backup image saved somewhere as precaution. And save your current u-boot envs with fw_printenv, or just copy/paste the listing into a text file. Note the nanddump command below allows future restoration to the same box you're backing up, and also can be used to restore a differrent box's mtd0 if needed.

Dumping NAND mtd0:
nanddump --noecc --omitoob -l 0x80000 -f mtd0 /dev/mtd0
Save envs:
fw_printenv > current_envs.txt
blparam >  current_envs.txt

4. Be sure there is no bad block in the first 1M of your NAND (check dmesg). This is very important, if there is bad block in the first 1M (8 blocks), don't flash u-boot, because you will almost certainly brick your box. Please post your question here (there is a work around for it). However, each case of bad blocks need to be handled differently. Here is an example for how to flash u-boot around bad blocks. But it might not be applicable to your situation.

Example of bad block in mtd0:
dmesg | grep -i 'bad'

[    2.413231] Scanning device for bad blocks
[    2.417731] Bad eraseblock 3 at 0x000000060000

This bad block is the 4th block which resides within mtd0 (block 0 to block 7). So u-boot should not be flashed.

5. Extract the archive to /tmp

Among the tar commands below, be careful and execute only one tar command corresponding to your platform that you are installing to, using the tar file that you have downloaded before starting the flashing instruction. Beware of the similar sounding name of different u-boots (nsa310s and nsa310 are two different u-boots).
cd /tmp
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.dockstar.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexhome.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexnet.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.iconnect.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.netgear_ms2110.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.pogo_e02.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.pogo_v4.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-2.sheevaplug.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa320.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa325.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa310s.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa310.bodhi.tar

Be extra careful with the next 2 commands in step 6 and 7, you should see output that look like below in those steps. If there is error, then do not reboot, post your problem here so we can help.

6. Erase mtd0
flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0 4
Expected output:
Erase Total 4 Units 
Performing Flash Erase of length 131072 at offset 0x60000 done

7. Write image to NAND

Among the nandwrite commands below, be extra careful and execute only one nandwrite command corresponding to your platform that you are installing to, using the kwb file that you have extracted in step 5. Please double check to make sure the file is for the correct platform. Especially the similar sounding names (e.g. nsa310s and nsa310 are different u-boots).

nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.dockstar.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexhome.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexnet.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.iconnect.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.netgear_ms2110.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.pogo_e02.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.pogo_v4.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-2.sheevaplug.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa320.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa325.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa310s.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa310.mtd0.kwb

Expected output:
Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0 
Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000 
Writing data to block 2 at offset 0x40000 
Writing data to block 3 at offset 0x60000

8. Flashing default u-boot envs image (if you are upgrading from 2016.05-tld-1 u-boot, you can skip this step 8).

As described in step 1, u-boot envs must be defined in /etc/fw_env.config as

# MTD device name	Device offset	Env. size	Flash sector size	Number of sectors 
/dev/mtd0 0xc0000 0x20000 0x20000

This default envs image supports booting with multiple disk drives (and hubs) attached. The disk drives could be any type (usb, sata, sd card). The scanning logic and default envs were set to automatically boot the box with the following required configuration:

For whatever reason, if you can't set up your configuration to satisfy the following 4 requirements, then don't flash this defaut envs image. It might not boot properly. In this case, section C below can be used to tailor the envs to your specific configuration.

r1. There must be only one partition among all partitions from all drives that contains the kernel files. The 2 kernel files are /boot/uImage and /boot/uInitrd.
r2. The partition that contains the 2 kernel files must be partition 1 in a disk drive
r3. The partition that contains the rootfs must be labeled rootfs
r4. The rootfs partition is recommended to be type Ext3 (this is not a hard requirement, ext4 should boot OK, but Ext3 will ensure no problem).

So the bottom line is if you have only one rootfs in a single Ext3 partition, which is labeled as rootfs, then you're all set.

a. Download the default u-boot envs at Dropbox:

uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.bodhi.tar or

This tarball includes 3 files:

uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.img (the default envs image to be flashed)
uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment (the content of the default envs in text format)
uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.64K.img (small envs image to be flashed on HP T5325 and Dreamplug only).

b. Extract the archive to /tmp
cd /tmp
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.bodhi.tar

c. Save current envs with fw_printenv, or just copy/paste the listing into a text file.
fw_printenv > current_envs.txt

d. Flash u-boot envs to NAND location 0xC0000.

Be extra careful with the next 2 commands, you should see output that look like below. If there is error, then do not reboot, post your problem here so we can help.

/usr/sbin/flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0xc0000 1
Expected output:
Erase Total 1 Units
Performing Flash Erase of length 131072 at offset 0xc0000 done

/usr/sbin/nandwrite -s 786432 /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.img
Expected output:
Writing data to block 6 at offset 0xc0000

e. Modify the following u-boot variables using fw_setenv:

e.1 ArcNumber:

Deprecated. See older u-boot release if interest in the hisorical reason for ArchNumber.

e.2 Box specific envs:

Then for all boxes, restore these 2 envs using the saved envs text in step c (replace xxx with the real saved values)
fw_setenv mtdparts 'xxxxxxxxx'
fw_setenv ethaddr 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'

e.3 uEnv.txt envs correction (optional):

These envs are important to be set if you plan to use uEnv.txt (see section C).

fw_setenv uenv_init_devices 'echo Initializing devices...; setenv init_usb "usb start";  setenv init_ide "ide reset";  setenv init_mmc "mmc rescan"; for devtype in $devices; do run init_$devtype; done'
fw_setenv uenv_read 'echo Loading envs from $device_type $disk_number...; if load $device_type  $disk_number:1 $uenv_addr /boot/uEnv.txt; then setenv uenv_loaded 1; echo ... envs loaded; fi'
fw_setenv uenv_load 'run uenv_init_devices; setenv uenv_loaded 0; for devtype in $devices; do for disknum in $disks; do if test $uenv_loaded -eq 0; then setenv device_type $devtype; setenv disk_number $disknum; run uenv_read; fi; done; done;'
fw_setenv uenv_read_disk

And for boxes that boot with SATA as rootfs. Please make this adjustment if your boot drive is SATA. This will help the "ide reset" to work properly. There seems to be a bug in u-boot that if you do "ide reset" too quickly in succession, the SATA drive might have problem spinning up).
fw_setenv bootcmd_uenv 'run uenv_load; if test $uenv_loaded -eq 1; then run uenv_import; fi; sleep 3'

f. Adjust the DTB name to boot with a rootfs that has FDT kernel 3.17+ (this is the normal case):

Find your box DTB file in the rootfs /boot/dts directory and adjust the env to it. For example, if the box is the Dockstar
fw_setenv dtb_file '/boot/dts/kirkwood-dockstar.dtb'

In the special case when you are booting with a non-FDT kernel 3.16 or earlier, or if you have appended the DTB to uImage. Remove the DTB file env. If not sure please post question before continuing.
fw_setenv dtb_file

h. For sanity check, list you envs again

If there is error in listing u-boot envs, stop here and post your problem so we can help.

Remember to save away your old envs text file created in step c for future reference in case more need to be restored.

i. Done step 8.

9. For sanity check, print out uBoot envs to see if they look OK.
and then double check the ethaddr env again to be sure. Don't reboot if there is error while listing U-Boot envs.

10. Set up netconsole. It's important to set up neconsole if you don't already have serial console connected. If you have serial console, don't set up netconsole at this moment, because it will interfere with serial console.

If you've flashed the default environments in step 8 then activate netconsole with the following envs:

Adjust 192.168.0.xxx and 192.168.0.yyy below to the real numbers in your network configuration. 192.168.0.xxx is this plug IP address, and 192.168.0.yyy is the IP address of the netconsole server where it will monitor the output from the this plug (adjust them to the real values in your own local network settings).

fw_setenv preboot_nc 'setenv nc_ready 0; for pingstat in 1 2 3 4 5; do; sleep 1; if run if_netconsole; then setenv nc_ready 1; fi; done; if test $nc_ready -eq 1; then run start_netconsole; fi'
fw_setenv preboot 'run preboot_nc'
fw_setenv ipaddr    '192.168.0.xxx'
fw_setenv serverip '192.168.0.yyy'

11. Reboot. Upon reboot, in either serial console or netconsole, uBoot banner should show:

U-Boot 2017.07-tld-1 (….)
<your box name>

DONE installation.

B. Load addresses for large systems

This u-boot was released in 2017, since then the kernel size has grown quite a bit. So if you intend to run apps or frameworks that take up a lot of space for initrd, you might need to adjust the load address of the DTB (load_dtb_addr). The default env is set up to allow 11MB uInitrd.

In particular, OMV4 running in the latest rootfs will result in the uInitrd larger than 11MB. So the load address of DTB must be moved farther out to accomodate the large uInitrd. This canbe done with 2 alternatives (B.1 or B.2).

B.1 Set the env permanently to give another 16MB to load uInitrd (i.e. allow for initrd that is up to 27 MB in size).

fw_setenv  load_dtb_addr 0x2c00000

B.2 Adjust load_dtb_addr in uEnv.txt

Add this line to uEnv.txt (see section C below). This setting is transient, i.e. not permanent. If the uEnv.txt exists in /boot folder, then it will be used during boot.


C. Add uEnv.txt to /boot directory (Optional)

To adjust the default envs to your specific configuration, and not having to permanently alter u-boot envs NAND. Create a text file in /boot directory with the content in the format that u-boot envs are listed.


The example below only to demonstrate the syntax in uEnv.txt (they might or might not apply to your current settings):

- Load appropriate DTB file for the kernel to run GoFlex Net box.
- Use SD card, USB and SATA for booting. The kernel and rootfs search order is as they are appeared on the list: mmc, usb, ide.
- Define that there are 8 storage devices (i.e. disk partitions).
- Load the DTB at address 0x2c00000 (u-boot default is 0x1c00000) to allow larger uInitrd.

cat /boot/uEnv.txt
devices=mmc usb ide
disks=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Last Updated 19 June 2016

I've uploaded 2016.05-tld-1 U-Boot images for Pogo E02, GoFlexNet, GoFlex Home, Dockstar, Pogo V4/Mobile, iConnect, Netgear Stora, Sheevaplug, NSA320, NSA325, NSA310S/320S, NSA310, and HP-T5325.

The HP Thin Client T5325 installation procedure is different from other Kirkwood u-boots, see this thread for installation instruction.

Credits: Thanks davidedg for the inspiration to add button command to these boxes!

Important Note: If possible, try to test this boot image with UART booting before flashing to NAND. See davygravy's UART booting using kwboot instruction here in this thread. The latest u-boot image released here should be used for UART booting, if your box is the type that supports it (these do not: Dockstar, Pogo E02, iConnect).

To download ARM kwboot binary for UART booting at Dropbox


kwboot (this is an older version)

Download U-Boot images at Dropbox:













Each archive contains the uBoot image only.

A. Flashing Instruction:

Installation is the same for each u-Boot image, the instruction below is written to include all boxes. So choose the platform name that you are installing for, and copy/paste the appropriate commands.

If you are running kernel that do not provide mtd-utils and uboot-tools (fw_setenv, fw_printenv, flash_erase, nandwrite), you can download the NAND and U-Boot tools binaries here in this thread.

1. uBoot envs config must be defined as followed in your /etc/fw_env.config

cat /etc/fw_env.config
 # MTD device name	Device offset	Env. size	Flash sector size	Number of sectors 
/dev/mtd0 0xc0000 0x20000 0x20000

- And your mtd partitions should be:

cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name 
mtd0: 00100000 00020000 "u-boot" 
mtd1: 00400000 00020000 "uImage" 
mtd2: 02000000 00020000 "rootfs" 
mtd3: 0db00000 00020000 "data"

If you don't have /etc/fw_env.config file in your system then go ahead and create this file with the above content. MTD parts are not importan for booting and it can be adjusted later. For users who like to keep the stock mtd definition, there is no need to adjust it to the above definition. As long as mtd0 is defined as 1MB (0x 00100000) or greater then it will be OK:
mtd0: 00100000 00020000 "u-boot"

2. Make sure ethaddr is set in uBoot env. It must be set before rebooting the system. However, if you plan to flash the default envs image in step 8 (Flashing default u-boot envs image), then no need to worry about it now. It can be set after you've booted in to Linux. The MAC address will be set to a valid randomly generated local address.
fw_printenv ethaddr

3. Be sure to save your current uBoot image in mtd0, or have a backup image saved somewhere as precaution. And save your current u-boot envs with fw_printenv, or just copy/paste the listing into a text file. Note the nanddump command below allows future restoration to the same box you're backing up, and also can be used to restore a differrent box's mtd0 if needed.

Dumping NAND mtd0:
nanddump --noecc --omitoob -l 0x80000 -f mtd0 /dev/mtd0
Save envs (stock OS might not have fw_printenv, so try blparam):
fw_printenv > current_envs.txt
/usr/local/cloudengines/bin/blparam >  current_envs.txt

4. Be sure there is no bad block in the first 1M of your NAND (check dmesg). This is very important, if there is bad block in the first 1M (8 blocks), don't flash u-boot, because you will almost certainly brick your box. Please post your question here (there is a work around for it).

Example of bad block in mtd0:
dmesg | grep -i 'bad'

[    2.413231] Scanning device for bad blocks
[    2.417731] Bad eraseblock 3 at 0x000000060000

This bad block is the 4th block which resides within mtd0 (block 0 to block 7). So u-boot should not be flashed.

5. Extract the archive to /tmp

Among the tar commands below, be careful and execute only one tar command corresponding to your platform that you are installing to, using the tar file that you have downloaded before starting the flashing instruction. Beware of the similar sounding name of different u-boots (nsa310s and nsa310 are two different u-boots).
cd /tmp
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.dockstar.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.goflexhome.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.goflexnet.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.iconnect.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.netgear_ms2110.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.pogo_e02.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.pogo_v4.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.sheevaplug.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.nsa320.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.nsa325.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.nsa310s.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.nsa310.bodhi.tar

Be extra careful with the next 2 commands in step 6 and 7, you should see output that look like below in those steps. If there is error, then do not reboot, post your problem here so we can help.

6. Erase mtd0
flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0 4
Expected output:
Erase Total 4 Units 
Performing Flash Erase of length 131072 at offset 0x60000 done

7. Write image to NAND

Among the nandwrite commands below, be extra careful and execute only one nandwrite command corresponding to your platform that you are installing to, using the kwb file that you have extracted in step 5. Please double check to make sure the file is for the correct platform. Especially the similar sounding names (e.g. nsa310s and nsa310 are different u-boots).

nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.dockstar.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.goflexhome.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.goflexnet.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.iconnect.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.netgear_ms2110.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.pogo_e02.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.pogo_v4.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.sheevaplug.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.nsa320.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.nsa325.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.nsa310s.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.nsa310.mtd0.kwb

Expected output:
Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0 
Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000 
Writing data to block 2 at offset 0x40000 
Writing data to block 3 at offset 0x60000

8. Flashing default u-boot envs image:

As described in step 1, u-boot envs must be defined in etc/fw_env.config as

# MTD device name	Device offset	Env. size	Flash sector size	Number of sectors 
/dev/mtd0 0xc0000 0x20000 0x20000

A special section (B. Flashing default u-boot envs image) about flashing default u-boot envs is included at the end of this installation procedure. Please follow the instruction in this section B to perform this step before continuing with step 9.

9. For sanity check, print out uBoot envs to see if they look OK.
and then double check the ethaddr env again to be sure. Don't reboot if there is error while listing U-Boot envs.

10. Set up netconsole. It's important to set up neconsole if you don't already have serial console connected. If you've flashed the default environments in step 8 then activate netconsole with the following envs:

fw_setenv preboot_nc 'setenv nc_ready 0; for pingstat in 1 2 3 4 5; do; sleep 1; if run if_netconsole; then setenv nc_ready 1; fi; done; if test $nc_ready -eq 1; then run start_netconsole; fi'
fw_setenv preboot 'run preboot_nc'
fw_setenv ipaddr    '192.168.0.xxx'
fw_setenv serverip '192.168.0.yyy'

where the 192.168.0.xxx is this plug IP address, and 192.168.0.yyy is the IP address of the netconsole server where it will monitor the output from the this plug (adjust them to the real values in your own local network settings).

11. Reboot. Upon reboot, in either serial console or netconsole, uBoot banner should show:

U-Boot 2016.05-tld-1 (Jun 12 2016 ….)
<your box name>

B. Flashing default u-boot envs image

This default envs image supports booting with multiple disk drives (and hubs) attached. The disk drives could be any type (usb, sata, sd card). The scanning logic and default envs were set to automatically boot the box with the following required configuration:

For whatever reason, if you can't set up your configuration to satisfy the following 4 requirements, then don't flash this defaut envs image. It might not boot properly. In this case, section C below can be used to tailor the envs to your specific configuration.

r1. There must be only one partition among all partitions from all drives that contains the kernel files. The 2 kernel files are /boot/uImage and /boot/uInitrd.
r2. The partition that contains the 2 kernel files must be partition 1 in a disk drive
r3. The partition that contains the rootfs must be labeled rootfs
r4. The rootfs partition is recommended to be type Ext3 (this is not a hard requirement, ext4 should boot OK, but Ext3 will ensure no problem).

So the bottom line is if you have only one rootfs in a single Ext3 partition, which is labeled as rootfs, then you're all set.

a. Download the default u-boot envs at Dropbox:


This tarball includes 3 files:

uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.img (the default envs image to be flashed)
uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment (the content of the default envs in text format)
uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.64K.img (small envs image to be flashed on HP T5325 only).

b. Extract the archive to /tmp
cd /tmp
tar -xf uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.bodhi.tar

c. Save current envs with fw_printenv, or just copy/paste the listing into a text file.
fw_printenv > current_envs.txt

d. Flash u-boot envs to NAND location 0xC0000.

Be extra careful with the next 2 commands, you should see output that look like below. If there is error, then do not reboot, post your problem here so we can help.

/usr/sbin/flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0xc0000 1
Expected output:
Erase Total 1 Units
Performing Flash Erase of length 131072 at offset 0xc0000 done

/usr/sbin/nandwrite -s 786432 /dev/mtd0 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.img
Expected output:
Writing data to block 6 at offset 0xc0000

e. Modify the following u-boot variables using fw_setenv:

Note that setting arcNumber and machid are not necessary if you are booting with FDT kernel 3.17+ in the latest kernel and rootfs thread. But it's required for non-FDT kernel.

Also note that only some boxes need machid, some don't (so the command fw_setenv machid below clears them).

for Pogo V4/Mobile:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3960
fw_setenv machid f78

for iConnect:
fw_setenv arcNumber 2870
fw_setenv machid

for Stora:
fw_setenv arcNumber 2743
fw_setenv machid

for Dockstar:
fw_setenv arcNumber 2998
fw_setenv machid

for Pogo E02:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3542
fw_setenv machid dd6

for GoFlex Home:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3338
fw_setenv machid

for GoFlex Net:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3089
fw_setenv machid

for Sheevaplug:
fw_setenv arcNumber 2097
fw_setenv machid

for NSA325:
fw_setenv arcNumber 4495
fw_setenv machid

for NSA320:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3956
fw_setenv machid

for NSA310S/320S:
fw_setenv arcNumber 4931
fw_setenv machid

for NSA310:
fw_setenv arcNumber 4022
fw_setenv machid

Then for all boxes, restore these 2 envs using the saved envs text in step c (replace xxx with the real saved values)
fw_setenv mtdparts 'xxxxxxxxx'
fw_setenv ethaddr 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'

Note: for boxes that boot with SATA as rootfs. Please make this adjustment if your boot drive is SATA:
fw_setenv bootcmd_uenv 'run uenv_load; if test $uenv_loaded -eq 1; then run uenv_import; fi; sleep 3'
(This will help the "ide reset" to work properly. There seems to be a bug in u-boot that if you do "ide reset" too quickly in succession, the SATA drive might have problem spinning up).

f. Adjust the DTB name to boot with a rootfs that has FDT kernel (this is the normal case):

Find your box DTB file in the rootfs /boot/dts directory and adjust the env to it. For example, if the box is the Dockstar
fw_setenv dtb_file '/boot/dts/kirkwood-dockstar.dtb'

In the special case when you are booting with a non-FDT kernel, or if you have appended the DTB to uImage. Remove the DTB file env. If not sure please post question before continuing.
fw_setenv dtb_file

h. List you envs again to make sure you've not missed any of the old envs that you might have adjusted to your box. Now is the time to restore those box- specific u-boot envs. Hint: if you changed u-boot envs while in Debian with fw_setenv, fw_printenv will list the modified envs at the end of the output.

If there is error in listing u-boot envs, stop here and post your problem so we can help.

Remember to save away your old envs text file created in step c for future reference in case more need to be restored.

i. Done.

C. Add uEnv.txt to /boot directory

Create a text file in /boot directory with the content in the format that u-boot envs are listed.


These 4 examples are only to demonstrate the syntax in uEnv.txt (they might or might not apply to your current settings):

- Load appropriate DTB file for the kernel to run GoFlex Net box.
- Use only USB drives for kernel and rootfs during booting
- Use SD card, USB and SATA for booting. The kernel and rootfs search order is as they are appeared on the list: mmc, usb, ide.
- Define that there are 8 storage devices (i.e. disk partitions).

cat /boot/uEnv.txt
devices=mmc usb ide
disks=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


========= Below are old posts, kept for posterity =============

2015.10 U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kirkwood Kernel - GoFlexNet, GoFlexHome, PogoE02, Dockstar, iConnect, NetgearStora, PogoV4/Mobile, Sheevaplug, NSA325, NSA320, NSA310S/320S, NSA310, HP-T5325.

Note 1: The NetgearStora u-boot have not been tested in actual hardware. Please report your finding if you install (please try UART booting first) this image in your box.

Note 2: The NSA310 ethernet does not work during u-boot booting.

Note 3: The Sheevaplug u-boot is missing some minor functions (which does not effect booting). But I will upload a new version to incorporate some features such as enabling SATA (for sheevaplugs with eSATA port).

There are only minor changes in functionality from previous version. The major change in this version is to upgrading and tracking the mainline branch.

These images support the following latest U-Boot features (among others):

- both FDT and non-FDT kernel booting
- supports EFI/GPT partition > 2TB (SATA and USB) either for booting or just attached.
- boot Ext4 rootfs
- SNTP (Simple NTP to set date time during U-Boot booting)
- bootz (boot with zImage).
- Ability to customize u-boot envs in a script (uEnv.txt) during boot, without committing changes to NAND (see section D for instruction). This feature also can be used for rescue purpose where the u-boot envs were messed up, or when the NAND envs block is bad.
- The NSA325 u-boot: Power and Copy buttons states are query-able during boot (thanks to davidedg's contribution).


1. U-Boot source code at GitHub (branch 2015.10-kirkwood, sync to released 2015.10 u-boots in this thread)
2. Latest Linux Kernel Kirkwood package and rootfs


Flashing uBoot to mtd0 could potentially brick your box! please have serial console, or JTAG set up before hand to recover from any mistake or bad flash. The instruction to flash uBoot image to mtd0 is included here. But please proceed only at your own risk. And most important of all, please read the entire post and make sure you understand the procedure before starting. The flashing instruction assumes that you have a beginner's knowledge of how U-Boot works, and how to set U-Boot environment variables to facilitate booting Linux kernel. If this is the first time you are installing U-Boot and dealing with NAND, and/or using U-Boot environment tools, please ask questions before starting.

Last Updated 29 May 2016

I've uploaded 2015.10-tld-2 U-Boot images for the HP Thin Client T5325. Because this box installation is different from other Kirkwood boxes here, please see this thread for download link and installation instruction:

Last Updated 13 Nov 2015

I've uploaded 2015.10-tld-1 U-Boot images for Pogo E02, GoFlexNet, GoFlex Home, Dockstar, Pogo V4/Mobile, iConnect, Netgear Stora, Sheevaplug, NSA320, NSA325, NSA310S/320S (same image), and NSA310.

Important Note: If possible, try to test this boot image with UART booting before flashing to NAND. See davygravy's UART booting using kwboot instruction here in this thread. The latest u-boot image released here should be used for UART booting, if your box is the type that supports it (these do not: Dockstar, Pogo E02, iConnect).

To download ARM kwboot binary for UART booting at Dropbox:

Download U-Boot images at Dropbox:













Each archive contains the uBoot image only.

A. Flashing Instruction:

Installation is the same for each u-Boot image, the instruction below is written to include all boxes. So choose the platform name that you are installing for, and copy/paste the appropriate commands.

If you are running kernel that do not provide mtd-utils and uboot-tools tools (fw_setenv, fw_printenv, flash_erase, nandwrite), you can download the NAND and U-Boot tools binaries here in this thread.

1. uBoot envs config must be defined as followed in your /etc/fw_env.config

cat /etc/fw_env.config
 # MTD device name	Device offset	Env. size	Flash sector size	Number of sectors 
/dev/mtd0 0xc0000 0x20000 0x20000

- And your mtd partitions should be:

cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name 
mtd0: 00100000 00020000 "u-boot" 
mtd1: 00400000 00020000 "uImage" 
mtd2: 02000000 00020000 "rootfs" 
mtd3: 0db00000 00020000 "data"

If you don't have /etc/fw_env.config file in your system then go ahead and create this file with the above content. MTD parts are not importan for booting and it can be adjusted later. For users who like to keep the stock mtds definition, there is no need to adjust it to the above definition. As long as mtd0 is defined as 1MB (0x 00100000) or greater then it will be OK:
mtd0: 00100000 00020000 "u-boot"

2. Make sure ethaddr is set in uBoot env. It must be set before rebooting the system. However, if you plan to flash the default envs image in step 8 (Flashing default u-boot envs image), then no need to worry about it now. It can be set after you've booted in to Linux. The MAC address will be set to a valid randomly generated local address.
fw_printenv ethaddr

If you don't have fw_printenv/fw_setenv, then you are running either stock Pogo OS, or earlier version of Arch Linux ARM. The correct tool to use in this case is blparam in your system.

3. Be sure to save your current uBoot image in mtd0, or have a backup image saved somewhere as precaution. And save your current u-boot envs with fw_printenv, or just copy/paste the listing into a text file. Note the nanddump command below allows future restoration to the same box you're backing up, and also can be used to restore a differrent box's mtd0 if needed.

Dumping NAND mtd0:
nanddump --noecc --omitoob -l 0x80000 -f mtd0 /dev/mtd0
Save envs:
fw_printenv > current_envs.txt
blparam >  current_envs.txt

4. Be sure there is no bad block in the first 1M of your NAND (check dmesg). This is very important, if there is bad block in the first 1M (8 blocks), don't flash u-boot, because you will almost certainly brick your box. Please post your question here (there is a work around for it).

Example of bad block in mtd0:
dmesg | grep -i 'bad'

[    2.413231] Scanning device for bad blocks
[    2.417731] Bad eraseblock 3 at 0x000000060000

This bad block is the 4th block which resides within mtd0 (block 0 to block 7). So u-boot should not be flashed.

5. Extract the archive to /tmp

Among the tar commands below, be careful and execute only one tar command corresponding to your platform that you are installing to, using the tar file that you have downloaded before starting the flashing instruction. Beware of the similar sounding name of different u-boots (nsa310s and nsa310 are two different u-boots).
cd /tmp
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.dockstar.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.goflexhome.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.goflexnet.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.iconnect.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.netgear_ms2110.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.pogo_e02.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.pogo_v4.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.sheevaplug.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.nsa320.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.nsa325.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.nsa310s.bodhi.tar
tar -xf uboot.2015-tld-1.nsa310.bodhi.tar

Be extra careful with the next 2 commands in step 6 and 7, you should see output that look like below in those steps. If there is error, then do not reboot, post your problem here so we can help.

6. Erase mtd0
flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0 4
Expected output:
Erase Total 4 Units 
Performing Flash Erase of length 131072 at offset 0x60000 done

7. Write image to NAND

Among the nandwrite commands below, be extra careful and execute only one nandwrite command corresponding to your platform that you are installing to, using the kwb file that you have extracted in step 5. Please double check to make sure the file is for the correct platform. Especially the similar sounding names (e.g. nsa310s and nsa310 are different u-boots).

nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.dockstar.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.goflexhome.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.goflexnet.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.iconnect.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.netgear_ms2110.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.pogo_e02.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.pogo_v4.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.sheevaplug.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.nsa320.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.nsa325.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.nsa310s.mtd0.kwb
nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2015-tld-1.nsa310.mtd0.kwb

Expected output:
Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0 
Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000 
Writing data to block 2 at offset 0x40000 
Writing data to block 3 at offset 0x60000

8. Flashing default u-boot envs image:

As described in step 1, u-boot envs must be defined in etc/fw_env.config as

# MTD device name	Device offset	Env. size	Flash sector size	Number of sectors 
/dev/mtd0 0xc0000 0x20000 0x20000

a. If you've previously installed an older release of this u-boot (uboot.201x.xx-tld-x.), or if your u-boot envs is already defined at 0xc0000, then there is no need to flash a new default envs, you can skip this step 8. Optionally, you can go ahead and reflash this default envs and then readjust to your own envs setings. The default envs have been improved in this release.

b. However, if you are installing from a recent release of Arch u-boot (2014.04 or after), you do need to do this step (in effect it is a totally different u-boot like the ones below in paragraph c, even though the envs location looks the same, i.e 0xc0000).

c. A special section (B. Flashing default u-boot envs image) about flashing default u-boot envs is included at the end of this installation procedure. Please follow the instruction in this section B to perform this step before continuing with step 9.

9. For sanity check, print out uBoot envs to see if they look OK.
and then double check the ethaddr env again to be sure. Don't reboot if there is error while listing U-Boot envs.

10. Set up netconsole. It's important to set up neconsole if you don't already have serial console connected. If you've flashed the default environments in step 8 then activate netconsole with the following envs:

fw_setenv preboot_nc 'setenv nc_ready 0; for pingstat in 1 2 3 4 5; do; sleep 1; if run if_netconsole; then setenv nc_ready 1; fi; done; if test $nc_ready -eq 1; then run start_netconsole; fi'
fw_setenv preboot 'run preboot_nc'
fw_setenv ipaddr    '192.168.0.xxx'
fw_setenv serverip '192.168.0.yyy'

where the 192.168.0.xxx is this plug IP address, and 192.168.0.yyy is the IP address of the netconsole server where it will monitor the output from the this plug (adjust them to the real values in your own local network settings).

11. Reboot. Upon reboot, in either serial console or netconsole, uBoot banner should show:

for GoFlex Net:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 15:49:48 -0800)
Seagate GoFlex Net

for GoFlex Home:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 15:53:00 -0800)
Seagate GoFlex Home

for Pogo E02:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 15:46:25 -0800)
Pogo E02

for Dockstar:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 15:56:21 -0800)
Seagate FreeAgent DockStar

for iConnect:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 15:59:30 -0800)
Iomega iConnect

for Netgear Stora:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 16:06:22 -0800)

for Pogo V4/Mobile:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 16:02:55 -0800)
Pogoplug V4

for Sheevaplug:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 08 2015 - 21:01:07 -0800)

for NSA325:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 16:09:38 -0800)
ZyXEL NSA325 2-Bay Power Media Server

for NSA320:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 16:12:51 -0800)
ZyXEL NSA320 2-Bay Power Media Server

for NSA310S/320S:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 16:16:11 -0800)
ZyXEL NSA310S/320S 1/2-Bay Power Media Server

for NSA310:
U-Boot 2015.10-tld-1 (Nov 06 2015 - 16:19:43 -0800)
ZyXEL NSA310 1-Bay Power Media Server

B. Flashing default u-boot envs image

This default envs image supports booting with multiple disk drives (and hubs) attached. The disk drives could be any type (usb, sata, sd card). The scanning logic and default envs were set to automatically boot the box with the following required configuration:

For whatever reason, if you can't set up your configuration to satisfy the following 4 requirements, then don't flash this defaut envs image. It might not boot properly. In this case, section D below can be used to tailor the envs to your specific configuration.

r1. There must be only one partition among all partitions from all drives that contains the kernel files. The 2 kernel files are /boot/uImage and /boot/uInitrd.
r2. The partition that contains the 2 kernel files must be partition 1 in a disk drive
r3. The partition that contains the rootfs must be labeled rootfs
r4. The rootfs partition is recommended to be type Ext3 (this is not a hard requirement, ext4 should boot OK, but Ext3 will ensure no problem).

So the bottom line is if you have only one rootfs in a single Ext3 partition, which is labeled as rootfs, then you're all set.

a. Download the default u-boot envs at Dropbox:


This tarball includes 2 files:

uboot.2014.07-tld-3.environment.img (the default envs image to be flashed)
uboot.2014.07-tld-3.environment (the content of the default envs in text format)

b. Extract the archive to /tmp
cd /tmp
tar -xf uboot.2014.07-tld-3.environment.bodhi.tar

c. Save current envs with fw_printenv, or just copy/paste the listing into a text file.
fw_printenv > current_envs.txt

d. Flash u-boot envs to NAND location 0xC0000.

Be extra careful with the next 2 commands, you should see output that look like below. If there is error, then do not reboot, post your problem here so we can help.

/usr/sbin/flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0xc0000 1
Expected output:
Erase Total 1 Units
Performing Flash Erase of length 131072 at offset 0xc0000 done

/usr/sbin/nandwrite -s 786432 /dev/mtd0 uboot.2014.07-tld-3.environment.img
Expected output:
Writing data to block 6 at offset 0xc0000

e. Modify the following u-boot variables using fw_setenv:

Note that setting arcNumber is optional if you are booting with kernel 3.17+ in the latest kernel and rootfs thread. But it's required for non-FDT kernel.

Also note that only some boxes need machid, some don't (so the command fw_setenv machid below clears them).

for Pogo V4/Mobile:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3960
fw_setenv machid f78

for iConnect:
fw_setenv arcNumber 2870
fw_setenv machid

for Stora:
fw_setenv arcNumber 2743
fw_setenv machid

for Dockstar:
fw_setenv arcNumber 2998
fw_setenv machid

for Pogo E02:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3542
fw_setenv machid dd6

for GoFlex Home:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3338
fw_setenv machid

for GoFlex Net:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3089
fw_setenv machid

for Sheevaplug:
fw_setenv arcNumber 2097
fw_setenv machid

for NSA325:
fw_setenv arcNumber 4495
fw_setenv machid

for NSA320:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3956
fw_setenv machid

for NSA310S/320S:
fw_setenv arcNumber 4931
fw_setenv machid

for NSA310:
fw_setenv arcNumber 4022
fw_setenv machid

Then for all boxes, restore these 2 envs using the saved envs text in step c (replace xxx with the real saved values)
fw_setenv mtdparts 'xxxxxxxxx'
fw_setenv ethaddr 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'

NOTE: I forgot one little detail for boxes that boot with SATA as rootfs. Please make this adjustment if your boot drive is SATA:
fw_setenv bootcmd_uenv 'run uenv_load; if test $uenv_loaded -eq 1; then run uenv_import; fi; sleep 3'
(This will help the "ide reset" to work properly. There seems to be a bug in u-boot that if you do "ide reset" too quickly in succession, the SATA drive might have problem spinning up).

f. Adjust the DTB name to boot with a rootfs that has FDT kernel (this is the normal case):

Find your box DTB file in the rootfs /boot/dts directory and adjust the env to it. For example, if the box is the Dockstar
fw_setenv dtb_file '/boot/dts/kirkwood-dockstar.dtb'

In the special case when you are booting with a non-FDT kernel, or if you have appended the DTB to uImage. Remove the DTB file env. If not sure please post question before continuing.
fw_setenv dtb_file

h. For sanity check, list you envs again

If there is error in listing u-boot envs, stop here and post your problem so we can help.

Remember to save away your old envs text file created in step c for future reference in case more need to be restored.

i. Done.

C. this section was deprecated

D. Add uEnv.txt to /boot directory

Create a text file in /boot directory with the content in the format that u-boot envs are listed.


These 4 examples are only to demonstrate the syntax in uEnv.txt (they might or might not apply to your current settings):

- Load appropriate DTB file for the kernel to run GoFlex Net box.
- Use only USB drives for kernel and rootfs during booting
- Use SD card, USB and SATA for booting. The kernel and rootfs search order is as they are appeared on the list: mmc, usb, ide.
- Define that there are 8 storage devices (i.e. disk partitions).

cat /boot/uEnv.txt
devices=mmc usb ide
disks=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


========= Below are old posts, kept for posterity =============
Updated 30 Aug 2015

I've uploaded the Zyxel NSA310S/320S u-boot-2014.07-tld-4 image.

The installation instruction is the same for the NSA310S/320S as for other boxes that have a different stock env location: iConnect, Pogo V4/Mobile, and Netgear Stora. In the instruction below (First Updated 21 Dec 2014), I’ve modified it to include this new release.

Caveat: the NSA320S currently has a problem with using 3.5" HDD in the 2nd HDD slot. This seems to be a power-related problem, since using a 2.5" HDD in the 2nd slot is working fine.

This post was getting too large, so I had to remove old info.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 165 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2024 01:32PM by bodhi.
Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
May 11, 2013 08:18PM

Re http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,12218,12378#msg-12378
Reset_phys does not seems to be the problem. I think it might be a bug in hush parser.
Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
May 12, 2013 09:51AM
If it is hush parser, you should see the problem on the serial console too.

Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
May 12, 2013 02:13PM
Of course you're right! I turned on debug for both netconsole and hush parser. Hush parser works with no problem. Netconsole was the problem since it echos back the incompeted command string before hush takes it.

The strange thing is if I turned on netconsole debug option, then the command was echo back OK (no dropped 2nd char). But still it won't boot with netconsole.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
July 05, 2013 01:40AM
I've finally figured out these netconsle problems in the later uBoot versions and how work around them.

Testing with u-boot.2013.07-rc1

1. netconsole input driver seems to regress. Second character in command got lost consistenly. This is due to a recursion logic in drivers/net/netconsole.c that processes characters from a buffer. I modified the recursion logic slightly and it seems to work consistenly, no character dropping. But I also had to leave printf debug code in to slow it down a bit.

2. bootm command is now halting the ethernet NIC before loading kernel if netconsole is running :) a significant change from the version that Davygravy worked on and we are using when installing using Jeffs's script. This causes netconsole driver to choke on trying output to the console, and bootm never got executed. This bootm problem has been reported in uBoot news group a few months ago. I did not understand the problem enough when reading the posts, so I assumed that the droping of character somehow caused booting problem, but they are actually 2 different issues.

The work around for this 2nd problem is not robust, but it would get netconsole working well enough: turn off netconsole in uBoot env script right before bootm is executed.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
July 05, 2013 06:45PM
Please see 1st post for an uploaded uBoot image for GoFlex Net.
Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
July 17, 2013 03:24PM
can it be used on NSA320?
Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
July 18, 2013 12:23AM
gaogao Wrote:
> can it be used on NSA320?

No, this version is for GoFlex Net only. It could be used for GoFlex Home, though.
The reason: each uBoot image is built using the board file for that hardware. So when you run Jeff's install script, it actually selects the right version for you.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
July 18, 2013 06:48AM
tks, hopefully these changes will soon be incorporated in Jeff's packages.
Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
July 19, 2013 04:22PM
Hello there, first of all: Thanks for your work.
Second: I got a problem. I wanted to upgrade to bootloader in order to be able to boot newer stock kernels. My old system was running a 2.6.39 kernel flawlessly; I had the bootloader configured to boot from the second partition. also the rescue system v2 is installed if I recall correctly.
Then, in order to upgrade, I followed all of your steps; no errors so far.
But now, after the first reboot and, since then, several retries, it wont boot anymore :(
First, the green led blinks, and it reads something from the hdd, then it goes instantly to constant orange and stays there.
If I rename uImage to a invalid filename, it still reads something from the disk; but after the green blinking follows orange blinking and then constant orange. -> So it seems like it still reads the kernel from the correct partition, but wont move on.
Without a HDD, the sequence is green blinking->orange blinking->constant orange. Normally in his case it should boot the rescue system; but the dockstar isnt reachable over network.
Unfortunately, I dont have a serial console :( Maybe someone of you knows what's going wrong?

Here is the output of fw_printenv before the bootloader-upgrade:

led_init=green blinking
led_exit=green off
led_error=orange blinking
rescue_set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=$console ubi.mtd=2 root=ubi0:rootfs ro rootfstype=ubifs $mtdparts $rescue_custom_params
rescue_bootcmd=if test $rescue_installed -eq 1; then run rescue_set_bootargs; nand read.e 0x800000 0x100000 0x400000; bootm 0x800000; else run pogo_bootcmd; fi
pogo_bootcmd=if fsload uboot-original-mtd0.kwb; then go 0x800200; fi
force_rescue_bootcmd=if test $force_rescue -eq 1 || ext2load usb 0:1 0x1700000 /rescueme 1 || fatload usb 0:1 0x1700000 /rescueme.txt 1; then run rescue_bootcmd; fi
ubifs_set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=$console ubi.mtd=$ubifs_mtd root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs $mtdparts $ubifs_custom_params
ubifs_bootcmd=run ubifs_set_bootargs; if ubi part data && ubifsmount rootfs && ubifsload 0x800000 /boot/uImage && ubifsload 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd; then bootm 0x800000 0x1100000; fi
usb_scan=usb_scan_done=0;for scan in $usb_scan_list; do run usb_scan_$scan; if test $usb_scan_done -eq 0 && ext2load usb $usb 0x800000 /boot/uImage 1; then usb_scan_done=1; echo "Found bootable drive on usb $usb"; setenv usb_device $usb; setenv usb_root /dev/$dev; fi; done
usb_scan_list=1 2 3 4
usb_scan_2=usb=1:1 dev=sdb1
usb_scan_3=usb=2:1 dev=sdc1
usb_scan_4=usb=3:1 dev=sdd1
usb_init=run usb_scan
usb_set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=$console root=$usb_root rootdelay=$usb_rootdelay rootfstype=$usb_rootfstype $mtdparts $usb_custom_params
usb_bootcmd=run usb_init; run usb_set_bootargs; run usb_boot
usb_boot=mw 0x800000 0 1; ext2load usb $usb_device 0x800000 /boot/uImage; if ext2load usb $usb_device 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd; then bootm 0x800000 0x1100000; else bootm 0x800000; fi
bootcmd=usb start; run force_rescue_bootcmd; run ubifs_bootcmd; run usb_bootcmd; usb stop; run rescue_bootcmd; run pogo_bootcmd; reset
usb_scan_1=usb=0:2 dev=sda2

After the upgrade I only checked the last line of the output; and since it was the same as before I figured that everything in the environment was ... but maybe I was too light-headed there? :(
I hope that someone can help me, as I really like this little thingy

Thank you in advance
Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
July 19, 2013 05:19PM

Since you don't have serial console, netconsole is a must before attempting to change any thing in uBoot. Even that, serial console is strongly recommended :)
Do you keep a log of what's going on during the installation?

To get it boot back to Debian to troubleshoot, use this 3.8.11 rootfs in this thread:
See this section:
Updated 19 June 2013: 
Basic minimal Debian Kirkwood rootfs with kernel 3.8.11 for 
Dockstar, Pogoplug E02/Mobile/V4, GoFlex Home/Net, iConnect, NSA320.

Prepare this rootfs on an empty USB stick, using another Linux box or Live CD.
Since your uBoot env for rootfs type is Ext2, if it does not boot you might want to convert this 3.8.11 rootfs to Ext2 and try again.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
July 19, 2013 05:57PM
Dear bodhi,

oh my god I am happy now!
Extracted it to second partition (ext2) and - badang! - constant green led and a few typical hard drive reads - looks like its booting up again! :) thank you for your quick help! I wont try connect right now though since I am very tired, but tomorrow.
I am also aware that I was acting very careless ;)

But I do not understand why it didn't work with the old debian. Since it was a 2.6.39 kernel, I figure it was a NFDT kernel, like your kernel also is. Plus, before the bootloader upgrade it worked. So why does your rootfs work and my debian not? As I want to install debian again, it is important to know where I must be careful.
Thank you!

- Josef
Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
July 19, 2013 06:09PM
Also, which recovery system could i flash into NAND? Since the old one isn't working anymore
Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
July 19, 2013 06:48PM

Your arcNumber is 2998, meaning it is for the Dockstar, not GoFlexNet. When you boot your old 2.6.39, it set your box as a Dockstar, which is OK. The new uBoot is GoFlex Net version, so your arcNumber needs to be set to 3089 to be correct. But don't change arcNumber yet because you have to boot with a kernel that supports it after you've done that. Using my rootfs, it will work with 3089. Stock kernel does not have GoFlex Net support for non-FDT, looks like it has FDT (but I'm not sure if it is completed). So you will need to decide what you want to do.

So get your netconsole working first and you will not be locked out with uBoot that has this enable. Once you have netconsole, rescue system is nice to have, but not as important as before.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
July 21, 2013 01:13PM
Ugh I completely overread that this was for GoFlexNet only. Went now back to a Dockstar Bootloader (however, this time with the L2-Cache Bug resolved so I can atleast boot 3.2 kernels) since this seems cleaner to me than pretending it to be a GoFlexNet and installed Debian wheezy.
In another thread I read that you have the same (FDT-able) bootloader for dockstar, but not released, since you couldn't test it yet. Would you mind releasing it somewhere here, (WITH A BIG WARNING SIGN THAT ITS UNTESTED)? When I have more time on my hands I may attach a serial console and see where this leads. Also, I presume that your bootloader also has the L2-Bug resolved (like the one Jeff's script is using)?

Thank you for your help!

Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
July 21, 2013 03:41PM

So you do have Dockstar, I thought you have a GoFlex Net? :)

About the Dockstar uBoot image, it was a little old and with the netconsole input problem. I could build a new version, and try a sanity check on a GoFlex Net with UART booting (I don't have JTAG connection for my Dockstar). Yes, I will post it here as an untested image.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
July 26, 2013 03:24AM
bodhi Wrote:
> gaogao Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > can it be used on NSA320?
> No, this version is for GoFlex Net only. It could
> be used for GoFlex Home, though.
> The reason: each uBoot image is built using the
> board file for that hardware. So when you run
> Jeff's install script, it actually selects the
> right version for you.

Thanks for all of your Work!

will you release an uboot which is compatible with the nsa 320?

- syro
Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
July 27, 2013 12:56AM
syro Wrote:
> bodhi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > gaogao Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > can it be used on NSA320?
> >
> > No, this version is for GoFlex Net only. It
> could
> > be used for GoFlex Home, though.
> > The reason: each uBoot image is built using the
> > board file for that hardware. So when you run
> > Jeff's install script, it actually selects the
> > right version for you.
> Thanks for all of your Work!
> will you release an uboot which is compatible with
> the nsa 320?
> - syro

No, not likely. I have not looked to see whether board file is available.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
July 27, 2013 05:05AM
bodhi Wrote:
> syro Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > bodhi Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > gaogao Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > can it be used on NSA320?
> > >
> > > No, this version is for GoFlex Net only. It
> > could
> > > be used for GoFlex Home, though.
> > > The reason: each uBoot image is built using
> the
> > > board file for that hardware. So when you run
> > > Jeff's install script, it actually selects
> the
> > > right version for you.
> >
> > Thanks for all of your Work!
> >
> > will you release an uboot which is compatible
> with
> > the nsa 320?
> >
> > - syro
> No, not likely. I have not looked to see whether
> board file is available.

hm ok :-( well thanks for all of your work! do you think that there will be an uboot rls which supports gpt?
Re: U-Boot for Device-Tree Kernel
July 27, 2013 05:27PM

If you're looking for non-FDT kernel booting, then davygravy already has it. But if you're looking for GPT and FDT-kernel booting, I could not find the board file in uBoot source code, so that has to come from either Zyxel, or Davy.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
September 11, 2013 12:51AM
How to boot Debian FDT kernel using the new uBoot

In this example, the rootfs is on a USB drive (The old uBoot was installed using Jeff's script) The new uBoot is in the first post of this thread.

- Copy the board file kirkwood-goflexnet.dtb to /boot

- Change uBoot envs to load dtb file along with the uImage and uInitrd:

dt_load_dtb=ext2load usb 0:1 0x1c00000 /boot/kirkwood-goflexnet.dtb
dt_load_initrd=ext2load usb 0:1 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd
dt_load_uimage=ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage
dt_usb_boot=run dt_load_dtb; run dt_load_uimage; run dt_load_initrd; bootm 0x800000 0x1100000 0x1c00000
dt_usb_bootcmd=usb start; run usb_init; run usb_set_bootargs; run dt_usb_boot
usb_bootcmd=run dt_usb_bootcmd

Note the change in usb_bootcmd. It was originally:
usb_bootcmd=usb start; run usb_init; run usb_set_bootargs; run usb_boot

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2013 04:25PM by bodhi.
Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
September 11, 2013 01:13PM
Hi bodhi,

What would be the procedure for Seagate Dockstar? Or more specifically migrating from non-FDT uBoot 2011 to a newer uBoot that does support FDT.

Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
September 11, 2013 11:33PM
duduke Wrote:
> Hi bodhi,
> What would be the procedure for Seagate Dockstar?
> Or more specifically migrating from non-FDT uBoot
> 2011 to a newer uBoot that does support FDT.
> Thanks.


There are 2 options:

1. New uBoot with FDT config option
2. Linux kernel compiled with FDT otion.
3. Make the board file.
4. Update the kernel, and copy the board file from kernel compilation (similar to GoFlex Net dtb file above) to rootfs.
5. uBoot envs changes (similar to GoFlex Net above).


1. Same uBoot as now.
2. Linux kernel compiled with FDT otion and CONFIG_ARM_APPENDED_DTB.
3. Update the kernel, make the board file, append the board file from kernel compilation (similar to GoFlex Net dtb file above) to zImage.
4. Make uImage

So the bottom line is if you have a newer uBoot then it's much simpler to deal with it. I could compile the Dockstar uBoot with FDT option and upload it. But I don't have JTAG connected to the Dockstar so I can't test it. I don't want people to risk bricking their box so I did not upload something that I'm not sure will work :)

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Newer U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel
November 16, 2013 02:53AM
I've uploaded a new uBoot 2013.10 image for GoFlex Net. Please see 1st post for download link, description, and installation instruction.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: 2013.10 U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel - GoFlex Net
November 16, 2013 01:27PM
Hi bodhi

I have tried to download the files couple time.
When I try to open it shows error

tar -xjf uboot.2013.10.goflexnet.bodhi.tar.bz2
bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Re: 2013.10 U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel - GoFlex Net
November 16, 2013 02:38PM
Hi markweng,

I used the wrong extension :)! sorry about that. Just use command tar without the j option:
tar -xf uboot.2013.10.goflexnet.bodhi.tar.bz2

Update: Fixed the archive file name to uboot.2013.10.goflexnet.bodhi.tar

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2013 03:37PM by bodhi.
Re: 2013.10 U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel - GoFlex Net
November 18, 2013 12:50AM
We will drink no wine before its time :) So after testing on my GoFlex Home, I've uploaded the 2013.10 uBoot image for GoFlex Home. Please see 1st post for download link.
Re: 2013.10 U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel - GoFlex Net
December 08, 2013 11:26PM
I've uploaded the 2013.10 uBoot image for Pogo E02. Please see 1st post for download link.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: 2013.10 U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel - GoFlex Net
December 12, 2013 01:54AM
I'd like to hear any feedback on these uBoot images! did it work? … problem?

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: 2013.10 U-Boot for FDT and Non-FDT Kernel - GoFlex Net/GoFlex Home/Pogo E02
December 14, 2013 05:45PM
I can't find any ide commands in this uBoot. I'm trying to boot from an SSD on a sata interface. Can this uBoot do that?
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