You want the pogoplug E02 - it has the kirkwood SoC. The other pogoplugs (B01,B02,P21,etc) have the OxNAS processor, and are not supported well in the Linux kernel or davygravy - Debian
Mainline Minimalist Wheezy Installation via Debian Installer/Netboot (right now this is for just PogoE02, Dockstar is essentially the same, minus the machid number ; also this has been tested on a Pogoplug V4 using a special PogoV4-only U-Boot that supports MMC/SD cards - the installer detected the SD card and handled it correctly) This brief HowTo shows a non-Doozian, purely Debian approachby davygravy - Debian
I have checked the "prospective" vanilla/mainline u-boot image based on my basic patches... it will boot the debian installer at Martin Michlmayer's site[ ] , as long as one first sets a single parameter: setenv machid 831 saveenv As Pogoplug E02 is not officially supported in the Linux kernel, we'll just call/by davygravy - uBoot
@ pazos : I've now just about finished the patches for submitting to u-boot mainline - just one or two minor things to double-check ... I don't think they'll make it in for March 2012 stable release... merge window was closed a long time ago .. That would put it in stable for the June 2012 release. Everything is split up: 1. poby davygravy - uBoot
Just an FYI for anyone tinkering with git u-boot sources in and around Feb 2012... really stinks... it caused me to have to have to JTAG my PogoE02 on an otherwise perfectly good u-boot. Still not sure if CONFIG_MTD_ECC_SOFT is going to be needed from here on out (like maybe March 2012), in the config. ====================by davygravy - uBoot
mcrump001 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I want to make sure I understand what is being > said in this thread. I have a pogoplug e02. If I > install debian according to the doozan method and > then upgrade debian to wheezy will my pogoplug > stop booting? Yes. The reason is listed at the top of the thread... page one... yes, eithby davygravy - uBoot
pazos Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @davygravy: it does make sense, since dockstar > files are under board/Seagate, but this is a minor > fix that involves boards.cfg > kk, thanks. > PD: Your configuration (from > include/configs/dockstar.cfg) seems to work > out-of-the-box applied to an iconnect wireless > station, With newby davygravy - uBoot
good to hear from you, pazos! You did a nice job on that patch! pazos Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @davygravy, you should NOT change anything in the > pogo.kwb header. If you take a look for > differences between jeff & ecc dockstar.kwb > patches you'll find it in the same way that there > are differences between my patch &amby davygravy - uBoot
Great ... I just picked up a semi-borked GoFlex Net for cheap.... hopefully I can fix it and use it for davygravy - uBoot
Yes, and it should be a pretty transparent drop-in replacement. It will boot older kernels, newer kernels, and in case there is no USB rootfs detected, it will then try to boot whatever rootfs that it can find in NAND (pogoplug software or the rescue system).by davygravy - uBoot
Kk, thanks davygravy - uBoot
I'm looking for the patch for Jeff's u-boot on Pogoplug V1 (wallwart-ish). {not looking for CloudEngine's original uboot source... no... for the patch that he used to build the replacement uboot for the Pogoplug V1 units.} Jeff has the patches readily available for pinkpogo (v2), dockstar, and goflexnet... but I can't find the patch for the original pogoplug v1 (wallwart-iby davygravy - uBoot
I'm in need of some data : I need a few snippets of the boot log from your Pogoplug E02... and basic info. 1. output of : dmesg | egrep '(Machine:)|( NAND )|(Memory)|(Feroceon L2:)|( Linux version )' 2. output of : fw_printenv arcNumber 3. which u-boot you have installed : (specify which option fits for your Pogoplug E02) A Jeff'sby davygravy - Debian
@ pazos : I couldn't help myself ... I went ahead and used your patch... as you alluded to there were some problems, but it did at least compile (my E02 bricked but that's what JTAG is for). I fixed up some data in board/Marvell/pogo_e02/kwbimage.cfg (had to compare it to Jeff's orginal pogopink patch). IMHO, the patch attached at page bottom is now complete. The patch applby davygravy - uBoot
Hi Guenter, thanks... My opinions are colored by my experiences, I respect you and value your comments, nevertheless. I feel like I must disagree w/ you on both of those points, to some extent. Here is why: 1) I've tested it in just about every mode I could. The current n mode that I have it set for give me the best speed I was able to attain - on par with my Asus RT-N16. Runniby davygravy - Debian
Installing emdebian right now... for it to work for me, two changes had to be made... as Yuriy says, verify_checksum () { # args: dest checksum size local expchecksum="$2" local expsize="$3" relchecksum=`sha${SHA_SIZE}sum < "$1" | sed 's/ .*$//'` relsize=`wc -c < "$1"` if [ "$expsize" -ne "$relsize" ] || [ &quoby davygravy - Debian
That message is in regards to the kernel source ... You can safely ignore it. Glad it worked for davygravy - Debian
I feel I have only one thing left to do, and that is to test the erasure and rewritting of the full environent variable area. It looks like Robert M has already done the first part of that (and prolly the 2nd part as well, by now), but I need to do it also, just for completeness's sake. Can't be too sure w/ a davygravy - uBoot
First, back up any essential files that you need. Gone files are usually gone. Gone! The 3.2 kernel has a problem in it that makes it unable to boot on many Kirkwood machines, due to a problem with L2Cache and uboot. There was some discussion about whether it was a bug in the kernel, obstinacy/borderline-arrogance from the kernel maintainers, or a bug in uboot. The question and answer arby davygravy - Debian
tobi, you already have it fixed... really try this, and post back your output... printenvby davygravy - uBoot
Yes, flexibility makes sense. Having too much stuff hard-coded seems a bit restrictive. The flashing in of the extra or larger env var set w/ usb scripts in the uboot-install-scripts makes perfect sense. Easy to update or change env for lots of users, with a minimum of fuss. [ too bad there wasn't already a flag in uboot to append to the boot sequence to either enable or disable theby davygravy - uBoot
hmmm... thanks for the tip... sounds like a good davygravy - Debian
Did Jeff (or does! Jeff) have a github account somewhere? I'd like to see what changes he made between the first uboot and the current one. I'm wondering why he chose not to put all the usb scan script infrastructure in the hard-coded uboot env vars. Less invasive? More flexibility? ???by davygravy - uBoot
Robert Mugabe Wrote: > Consider the case where a person might want to > perform a u-boot resetenv I'm wondering if protectoff-erase-protecton has been deprecated in favor of resetenv? Quite a few years back I set this article up ... I guess I want to read over things and see how they'by davygravy - uBoot
It looks like to me that he left the hard-coded (compiled-in) env variables somewhat spare and minimal. His script overlays those values with a superset (wider group) of env vars: $FLASH_ERASE /dev/mtd0 0xc0000 1 $NANDWRITE -s 786432 /dev/mtd0 "$UBOOT_ENV" I want to look at the u-boot source code and make sure that everything agrees w/ expectations... and what Jeff has setby davygravy - uBoot
Yes, exactly ... To have a way to recover from borked env davygravy - uBoot
pazos Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ... We must use > CONFIG_ENV_OVERWRITE to be able to change ethaddr > value as jeff doozan's installer does. > Maybe this is already enabled further up, in configs for the platform... I'll look into it. IIRC, I can change ethadd just fine via the setenv and fw_setenv. Will double checkby davygravy - uBoot
Just a note to myself... since I used the option to avoid automatic updates to the PogoPlug firmware, the hbplug service was not running when there was no Debian drive in the USB port(s)... so there was only the orange flashing light. I had disabled it... and thought somehow that something was broken or amiss w/ my u-boot. It is actually fine. In my case, I have to reenable it davygravy - uBoot
i"m pretty sure that it is OXNAS davygravy - Debian