I tested my dockstar w/ netconsole... seems to work... output below shows a successful interrupt of the boot process, printing a single env var from uboot, and a second boot process that was uninterrupted. I still need to test the functionality of All of the things below have been checked over : enable/disable works tftpbooting works flashing/nanderase/write works boots Jeff's Resby davygravy - uBoot
@ nrq: yeah, the 3.2 problem is annoying w/ Wheezy. Apparently 3.2 has not only the L2Cache problem, but also a problem w/ udev that folks over at ArchLinuxArm are experiencing. Personally, I hope they skip 3.2 and put 3.3.y in Wheezy, instead. As far as the u-boot upgrade goes, nrq, I'd try to wait a day or two - we need to test Netconsole functionality on it ... and maybe a few more tby davygravy - uBoot
OK, some fine-tuning now on when it seems that testing in SDRAM works... Same source code (ie. same version, eg 2011.12), minor changes only (ie. only minor edits to the include/configs/<machine>.h.by davygravy - uBoot
Looks good!!! Confirming what we were hoping... only the L2CacheDisable.patch and the altered config are needed for my dockstar. I have not tested this to boot the PogoPlugCE image, though. Mine was erase a few days back, and I'm not sure I want to put it back on. ( I have a regular PogoPlug for that. :) ) It boots the vanilla kernel (w/o the need for the weird "EMBEDDED"by davygravy - uBoot
Yes, I am 99.99% sure I only altered dockstar.h. Attached is the that file from include/configs/dockstar.h. {obsolete : deleted } I will however, rebuild here, using the MWalle L2CacheDisable patch, with my dockstar.h config and test it ... just to be sure. It should load into SDRAM fine, for checking. Will let you know for sure.by davygravy - uBoot
@ pazos: I diffed this against the last official release u-boot-2011.12 http://ppl.ug/bzcfH7bEFXs/ is my link to it... hosted on my pogoplug (sorry it is so large... I wasn't sure which source you had...)by davygravy - uBoot
great!by davygravy - Debian
When you insert the USB adapter in the device, wait a moment and then ... run dmesg | grep ath lsusb ... post back with the results and I can try to help you troubleshoot it...by davygravy - Debian
Yes, there is a problem w/ the Wheezy kernel that is in testing. It will not boot on many/most kirkwood machines. You may want to try to install Squeeze as the original, and then use my kernel here: http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,6578 towards the bottom I have links up for a 3.1.9 kernel I am running on one of my two AP's.by davygravy - Debian
@ pazos: can you find the commit of the new header size?by davygravy - uBoot
OK, my current u-boot that I have installed will not only load and run variations of itself, but will also load and execute the original CE uboot that came stock on the Dockstar: U-Boot 2011.12-06918-gf33b06f-dirty (Feb 12 2012 - 07:50:16) Seagate FreeAgent DockStar SoC: Kirkwood 88F6281_A0 DRAM: 128 MiB WARNING: Caches not enabled NAND: 256 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err:by davygravy - uBoot
Which options in include/configs/dockstar.h are now obsolete ( or deprecated ) ? So far I found 2: CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS (http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2010-March/068428.html) CONFIG_CMD_AUTOSCRIPT (http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2011-June/093641.html) What others are there?by davygravy - uBoot
Well, we never lost it, really. See this : http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,1593by davygravy - uBoot
DockstarPBX Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Is seems only Jeff's "uboot.mtd0.kwb" and > "uboot-original-mtd0.kwb" can be tested by using: > > > Several people have followed > http://jeff.doozan.com/debian/uboot/build_uboot.ht > m but were not able to boot from SDRAM. > > I was able to boot mtd3 ubootby davygravy - uBoot
@ pazos and Mugabe: Did the flash layout change? I've noticed something very very strange (and disconcerting). When I'm in the u-boot environment and connected by console, I see one set of uboot environmental variables. (using print) When I'm logged in via ssh into Debian, I see a different set of env vars. Completely different. This isn't supposed to be so... Fby davygravy - uBoot
Fixed - or ... not sure what it was... but 3.3.0-rc3 boots fine, without any patches/changes to config. [ 0.000000] Linux version 3.3.0-rc3-kirkwood (davygravy@bitbaker64) (gcc version 4.6.1 (Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2011.09-70) ) #1 Sat Feb2 I've got the HUSH, LONGHELP on & they seem to work OK. I'm currently not able to boot into my old original pogoplug (boot_pogopby davygravy - uBoot
But not totally out of the woods yet... root@debian:/# dpkg -i linux-image-3.2.0-1-kirkwood_3.2.4-1_armel.deb (Reading database ... 33904 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to replace linux-image-3.2.0-1-kirkwood 3.2.4-1 (using linux-image-3.2.0-1-kirkwood_3.2.4-1_armel.deb) ... Examining /etc/kernel/preinst.d/ Unpacking replacement linux-image-3.2.0-1-kirkwood ... Eby davygravy - uBoot
Huzzah! [ got to test this all weekend...] U-Boot 2011.12-06918-gf33b06f-dirty (Feb 11 2012 - 01:50:51) Seagate FreeAgent DockStar SoC: Kirkwood 88F6281_A0 DRAM: 128 MiB WARNING: Caches not enabled NAND: 256 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: egiga0 88E1116 Initialized on egiga0 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 (Re)start USB... USB: Register 10011by davygravy - uBoot
hehehehe... I get it ... "Unsupported" = maybe it will, it used to work all the time in the good old days, maybe not anymore {you may be SOL}. ;) I'm looking at the header pins, and they seem much smaller than I'm accustomed to... I don't know if the adapter on the end of my ARM-USB-TINY will fit on it... see the adapter ? http://www.olimex.com/dev/arm-usb-tiny.hby davygravy - uBoot
@ pazos : 3 questions, if you could please answer: 1. which toolchain/crosscompiler are you using? 2. What distro (and which release/version of that distro) are you compiling it under? 3. Did you load your uboot.kwb into SDRAM to test it first? If so, will you please post your commands here, as several of us are having trouble getting it to run consistenly in SDRAM?by davygravy - uBoot
I've not gone over everything, but peeked at some stuff and here's my impression: - it may be much easier to port Jeff's changes forward to the new source from git, rather that to try to backport MWalle's L2Cache disable to the 2010.09 source. that would also make it easier in case future updates are needed. - the 1.1.4 source that is the base for so much Marvell stuffby davygravy - uBoot
OK, success on building it "a la Jeff". Apparently his configuration choices for uboot enable the build to be loaded into RAM and started - the uboot at Martin Michlmayers site isn't set up this way I guess so it won't run from within uboot. Marvell>> tftp 0x800000 uboot.mtd0.kwb Using egiga0 device TFTP from server; our IP address is davygravy - uBoot
OK, also won't run for me. But some of the uboot*.kwb's execute just fine: Marvell>> tftp 0x800000 uboot.mtd0.goflexnet.jeff-2010-10-23.kwb Using egiga0 device TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'uboot.mtd0.goflexnet.jeff-2010-10-23.kwb'. Load address: 0x800000 Loading: #################################### done Bytes tby davygravy - uBoot
OK, this one actually built for me... http://git.denx.de/?p=u-boot/u-boot-marvell.git;a=snapshot;h=b18d3894611b7ae13683805b428b634ee0c715f0;sf=tbz2 I can't load and test it now, as I have to go to class soon (only 2 more sessions to go - wooohooo!!) arm-none-linux-gnueabi-objcopy --gap-fill=0xff -O binary u-boot u-boot.bin tools/mkimage -n "/usr/src/u-boot-marvell/"board/by davygravy - uBoot
I also try tbm's (Martin Michlmayer's) uboot from his cyrius site, with same outcome. Eventually I flashed back to Jeff's uboot. This is interesting: http://git.denx.de/?p=u-boot/u-boot-marvell.git;a=commit;h=b18d3894611b7ae13683805b428b634ee0c715f0 Is there a way do a RAM build & test with uboot on ARM? I'd done it before on a PPC NAS machine.by davygravy - uBoot
This makes it look more official: we might be SOL if the 3.2 regression is indeed handled as "really just a latent bug in uboot". http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ports.arm.kernel/127951/focus=151172 Is anyone game to apply the L2cache disable patch? It looks like it may become a necessary upgrade if users want to use the mainline kernel in the future.by davygravy - uBoot
OK, I agree something is mixed up with config on the kernel, but seems pretty basic that checking and quality control may not have been taken care of on 3.2. I tried building the kirkwood_defconfig and it wouldn't boot. Enough said. ...but... Like Ian Campbell from the Debian bug discussion mentioned, disabling ARM_PATCH_PHYS_VIRT did yield a booting kernel for me, when I tooby davygravy - Debian
Robert Mugabe Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've just been checking the Linux Kernel Driver > DataBase and specifically the dependencies of > CONFIG_ARM_PATCH_PHYS_VIRT > that are relevant to kernels 3.2 and 3.3-rc+HEAD: Yes, I've seen that as well. (not in the database, but just in the code) > > depends on: ( CONFIG_EMBEby davygravy - Debian
Well, http://bugs.debian.org/658904. Just and FYI for everyone, I guess.by davygravy - uBoot