Well, as they are, the 3.2.y and 3.3.0-rcN kernels will most likely just not boot. The current idea/blame is due to the L2 cache needing to be disabled at boot. It may be some time before this is fixed upstream. Until then, you are prolly best served by sticking w/ the official 3.1.y debian kernel.by davygravy - Debian
First and foremost, do you have either netconsole or serial console access? If not, I'd stop where you are... unless do you, you may end end up making your disk unbootable. Otherwise, it looks like you have a dependency problem/conflict. You may want to read up on the apt-get command, and how to resolve dependencies within the Debian packaging system.by davygravy - Debian
You can now upgrade your older U-Boot using Jeff's U-Boot Updater Script ... but first : 1. You may want check that your netconsole or serial console connection is working correctly, just in case. 2. Before upgrading your U-Boot, it is a good idea to print out your U-Boot env and keep a copy of it as a file. This is especially important if you have made even the slightest alterationby davygravy - uBoot
(yup, I submitted a bug report to both Debian for their packages, and upstream as well, to kernel.org) OK, just to make it official, for the record... the "bad" has finally made it into Debian Sid... http://packages.debian.org/unstable/kernel/linux-image-3.2.0-1-kirkwood On my Dockstar: cd / wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/l/linux-2.6/linux-image-3.2.0-1-by davygravy - Debian
Yes, the rules, when generated or editted, must be only _one_ line. # You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single # line, and change only the value of the NAME= key. This doesn't have anything with the boot or kernel compression problems though, if I understand you, right?by davygravy - Debian
I'm wondering if it would be easy to extract and decompress the kernel from the uImage or some other file that is already in the .deb ? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/how-to-obtain-image-from-zimage-824499/ ????by davygravy - Debian
kk, I see now... I don't know how I missed that... I must have been either sleeping or repressing the fact that this is Debian and the current setup needs an up-to-date initrd to function as planned... thanks for the guidance. ==================================== root@debian:~# uname -a Linux debian 3.3.0-rc1-dockstar #1 Thu Jan 26 19:06:42 CST 2012 armv5tel GNU/Linux gratitude @by davygravy - Debian
thank you! will try this tomorrow after work! ================== couldn't wait ... oading file "/boot/uInitrd" from usb device 0:1 (usbda1) 5739979 bytes read ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 00800000 ... Image Name: Linux-3.3.0-rc1 Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 4222796 Bytes = 4 MiB Load Address: 00008000by davygravy - Debian
@Mugabe, could you please share your .config w/ us (me!). I want to replicate that ... actually to see also if the compressed and uncompressed kernels will boot on my PogPlugV2. Also, what version of module init tools are you running? I see you have v164 for udev.by davygravy - Debian
yet another ... http://www.plugcomputer.org/plugforum/index.php?topic=6029.0 no joy yet ...by davygravy - Debian
I'm not sure but it may be some sort of change in udev... 14.152349] Initializing network drop monitor service [ 14.158004] Freeing init memory: 140K Loading, please wait... [ 14.201072] udevd[48]: starting version 175 Begin: Loading essential drivers ... FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/3.3.0-rc1/modules.dep: No such file or directory done. Begin: Running /scripts/init-preby davygravy - Debian
OK not a full boot but much closer... I upgraded my CodeSoucery toolchain to 11.9, did something different w the config and then ran make uImage. The resulting uImage did partially but stopped when it couldn't find the accompanying modules for 3.3.0rc1 I'm trying it now on my dockstar w the same config.by davygravy - Debian
http://archlinuxarm.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2314 ... a few users @ archlinuxarm are struggling w/ this as well...by davygravy - Debian
Yes to the 3.3.0-rc1 behavior... ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 00800000 ... Image Name: Linux-3.3.0-rc1-kirkwood Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 1626136 Bytes = 1.6 MiB Load Address: 00008000 Entry Point: 00008000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 01100000 ... Image Name: initramfs-3by davygravy - Debian
It may be informative and telling to watch this: http://packages.debian.org/sid/linux-image-kirkwoodby davygravy - Debian
Linux debian 3.1.10-kirkwood #1 Thu Jan 19 06:14:30 UTC 2012 armv5tel GNU/Linux 3.1.x is fine... still no fix for 3.2.x, from what I've seen.by davygravy - Debian
Mugabe, thanks for the confirmation... I tried neither netconsole nor serial, but I suppose they would have spelled it out for me. I guess I'll dig for some clues about the problems w/ 3.2.x and watch for posts about possible fixes. Yeah, 3.1.9 is fine for me, now.by davygravy - Debian
Odd, irregular, strange... I rolled a perfectly fine 3.1.9 kernel on my dockstar (natively) ... but the same command structure set applied to 3.2.0 and 3.2.1 doesn't yield a booting kernel. Anyone else see this behavior? ============= Interesting... I backed away from a Debian-ish config and tried defconfig_kirkwood, with the same results.by davygravy - Debian
@Val523, its not that hard... I just rolled my own 3.1.9 linux-image .deb package on my spare Dockstar root@sparedockstar:~# uname -a Linux debian 3.1.9-kirkwood #1 Mon Jan 16 13:45:21 UTC 2012 armv5tel GNU/Linux ... you'll have to adjust it to your needs and version... but ... make sure you have all the necessary compile/make/dpkg-build packages installed via apt-get : apt-get insby davygravy - Debian
You mention that dmesg shows something regarding the USB stick. What specifically does it show in dmesg, regarding that USB device? Which firmware package did you install? Have you tried a newer kernel? BTW, on your Dockstar, what is the output of: ls -R /lib/modules/ | grep zd That should show a few things like zd1211rw.ko .by davygravy - Debian
hmmm... I know that for a long time, like from 2.16 -2.28, there was a major problem w/ XFS and ARM in Linux. I had learned from experience to use JFS or EXT4. I don't know if that problem was ever resolved.by davygravy - Debian
Indeed it does, as I'm using the Debian 3.1 kernel from Wheezy/testing. Thanks to you all who did the testing, coding and submitted the patch to kernel.org, all I had to do was a simple: fw_setenv arcNumber 2998 Well done, and again, a hearty thanks! ================================= CORRECTION made above (thanks to the diligence of laprjns). fw_printenv | grep arc aby davygravy - Debian
gratitude @ all ... just painlessly unbricked a "broken" Dockstar that I picked up ... using my trusty old ftdi-based USB-serial adapter that had come in so handy over the years ... unbricking various routers, NAS devices and a few other boxes. A big thanks to everyone who left a trail of breadcrumbs/pebbles/documentation, so the rest of us could follow more easily. bastel, yourby davygravy - Debian
looks like there is a thread about it over at ArchLinuxArm.org http://archlinuxarm.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2109&start=10 good luck w/ your hacking on this new device!by davygravy - Debian
Yes! Thanks to all for posting in this thread - it works well enough for me to post this to you straight from my AccessPoint|NAS|PrintServer that is running Debian (w/ hostapd, Netatalk&Samba, p910nd), with minimal lag while I type. True, more involved graphics are slower (as one would expect) but it is usable for what we would needed it for.by davygravy - Debian
any chance this ext2 vs ext3 issue is caused by/due to a setting for rootfstype in uBoot? (I had the identical behavior on my units until I removed that setting... you can simply change it from ext2 to ext3, but I find that much more restrictive)by davygravy - Debian
kk, awesome ... Wheezy is still testing, but it has worked fine for me. Glad to hear it worked for you, too.by davygravy - Debian
Well, FWIW, I gave up on using Squeeze. I use Wheezy and it's 3.1.x kernel on my access pt. Any chance the 3.1.x kernel would work better for you?by davygravy - Debian
Did you install the firmware? If so, which one?by davygravy - Debian
Another footnote to add in to this How-To... There is an interesting article here: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/accesspoint-mit-tl-wn821n-version/ After applying what little German I know to it, and using Google Translator to fill in the rest, it seems others have had some difficulty w/ the overheating problem also... Three solutions now seem to exist: 1. Turn the txpower downby davygravy - Debian